taklike-takhopelkeHtakleyki -tak-hopílk-inounOlderburied bread: a type of bread made at the edge of a fire by covering dough with hot ashes
takliketvtak-leyk-itá🔊verb1to sit, be situated on the ground or floor, in a fire, or inside an enclosed space such as a home, camp, or yard (of one){I}Papet taklikvtēs.He had eaten [the eggs] and was sitting down. (H)2to stay at, visit (a house, of one){I}Cukon taklikę̄pvyēt os.I’m always staying home.seetak-vpoketvtakkaketvatakliketva:-tak-leyk-itá🔊verbto sit at a distance in the company of others (of one)’Punvkv ’mapohicat atakliketv ’yacēt os.He/she likes to sit and listen to the conversation.estakliketvis-tak-leyk-itá🔊verbto sit (of a plum patch, etc., on a flat plain)
taklomhetvtak-lomh-itá🔊verbto lie on the ground or floor, in a fire, or within an enclosed space such as a house, camp, or yard (of three or more){I}...ēkvnvn taklumhēt nocicēt fullet onkv......because they slept on the ground... (H)seetakwakhoketvtakwakketv
taklomhicetvtak-lomheyc-itá🔊verbto lay (three or more) on the ground or floorTakhvce ostat taklomhicet, etvlwv liket omēs.With the four fire logs laid down, the tribal town remains. (H)seetakwakhokicetvtakwvkecetv
taklvtketvtak-latk-itá🔊verbto fall to the ground or floor or into a fire (of one){II}...hvlwēn tasiket, nvtaksēt taklvtiket......[the turkey] jumped high and fell face up... (H)seetakpvlvtketvtakyurketv
taknucetvtak-noc-ítaverbto sleep on the ground or floor (of one)
taknvfketvtak-nafk-itá🔊verbto beat up (someone) within an enclosed space, such as a yard, house, or building
taknvrkvpvtak-naɬkapánouncenter, middle of an enclosed spaceMv ofv taknvrkvpvn totkv etēcet vfulutēcēt ’pvnakvtēs.Inside that, right in the center, they built a fire, circled around it, and danced. (H)