takpeteteketvtak-pititik-ítaverbto be tightly coiled on the ground or floor (of a snake)
takpēyetvtak-pi:y-itá🔊verbto scrub (the floor){I;3}
takpiketvtak-peyk-itá🔊verb1to be inside an enclosed space, such as a stove, a building, a fireplace, a yard, a house (of one){I}2to put (one) inside an enclosed space
takpvlvtetvtak-palat-itá🔊verbto spill (water, etc.), pour, throw (three or more) on the ground, floor, or in a fire...okcvnwvn nvco̜musis totkvn takpvlatvken omat......if you pour a small amount of salt in the fire... (H)atakpvlvtetva:-tak-palat-itá🔊verbto drop (three or more, such as pecans) on the ground or floor
takpvlvtkētak-palátk-i:🔊adjectivespilled (of a liquid or three or more such as seeds) on the ground or floor
takpvtaketvtak-pata:k-itá🔊verbto spread oneself out on the ground or floor{I}...hv̜lkusēt sofotkē ēkvnvn takpvtaketskis nettv ohcēs....there may be a day when you crawl and drag yourself spread on the ground. (H)
takpvticetvtak-pateyc-itá🔊verbto spread (something) out on the ground
takremhicvLMtak-ɬimhéyc-a🔊noundeodorizer (for a room)
takretvcetvtak-ɬitac-itá🔊verbto pour (something thick like mud) on, drop onto the ground or floor{I;3}
taksatetvtak-sa:t-itáverbto mark the ground...ēkvnvn taksahtet......they made a mark on the ground... (H)
taksehoketvtak-siho:k-itáverbto stand on the ground or floor or in an enclosed space (of two){I}...hvyakpo-hvtke vntaksehokof, mvtarēs....when they stand on the ball-ground for me, it shall be. (H)seetakhueretvtaksvpakletv
taksehoyetvtak-siho:y-itá🔊verbto stand (two) up on the ground or floorHeyvn taksehoyvs.Stand them (boots, etc.) up here.
taktakhvketvtak-takhak-ítaverbto line up in an enclosed areaVhopvyusēn taktakhvkaks.Line up a little ways from here. (H)
taktekaksetvtak-tikaks-itá🔊verbto squat on the ground or floor{I}
taktekkeketvtak-tikkik-itáto kneelTaktekkēket uewv ēskēmvts.We drank water kneeling (low to the ground).Taktekkēket mēkusvpaks.You all kneel and pray.
taktekkēyetvtak-tikki:y-itáverbto put (a shovel, rock) in the ground, extend (something) into the groundCvto taktekkēyvs.Put a rock in the ground.
taktekvstvketvtak-tikastak-íta🔊verbto squat on the ground or floor (of two or more){I}
taktoheksetvHtak-tohiks-itáverbOlderto be piled up on the ground or floor or in an enclosed space...efune tv̜lkusē taktohēksen......just his bones were piled up... (H)