aa:-prefix1a prefix (sometimes written as a separate word) indicating action directed toward the speaker or a reference pointahecetva:-hic-ítato look this way2a prefix (sometimes written as a separate word) indicating location in the visible distancealiketva:-leyk-itáto be situated in the visible distance (of one)3a prefix (sometimes written as a separate word) indicating up or offatasketva:-ta:sk-itáto jump up, jump off (of one)
a-ak-esetva:-akk-is-íta🔊verbto take (one) out of the eye, water, or a low place{I;II}"Avcak-ēsvtet cvpvpepvccvs” cesset kicen...a:-acakk-î:s-at-it ca-pap-ip-áccas císsi-t kayc-ín“Take me out and you can eat me,” the mouse said... (H)fromak-esetvfromesetvesetv
a-akfvnketva:-ak-fank-itáverbto stick out of the water this wayA-akfvnken hehcis.a:-ak-fânk-in híhc-ey-sI saw her sticking her head out in the water.fromakfvnketvfromvfvnketvvfvnketv
a-akhueretva:-ak-hoyɬ-itá🔊verbto stand in water or a low place in the visible distance (of one){I}…owv a-akhueret enhuehket owan…ó:wa a:-ak-hôyɬ-it ín-hoyhk-ít o:w-â:n…when she stood in the water and called… (1991a)fromakhueretv