iem esetva:-im-is-itá🔊verbto take (one) out of...enokkv efēken iem esehpet ’svyēpof, elēpēt omēs.inó:kk-a ifí:ki-n a:-im-is-íhp-it s-áy-i:p-ô:f il-i:p-í:-t ô:m-i:-s...takes the sick one’s heart out of him and then when he goes away with it, [the sick one] dies. (H)fromem esetvfromesetvesetv
iemetva:-im-ítaverb1to hand (something) to (someone){I;3;D}...hoktē ’tepakeyvtē eslafkvn vm pohen, a-ehmin, ehset...hoktí: ’tipâ:k-iy-ati: islá:fka-n ám-po:h-ín a:-íhm-ey-n íhs-it ...the lady that was with me asked me for a knife, I handed it to her, and she took it... (H)2to give back to, return (something) toFehketskē tv̜lkusen acemeyvrēs.fíhk-íck-i: tǎⁿlk-os-in a:-cim-íy-áɬi:-sOnly if you pay will we return it to you. (H)fromemetv
ienhvtvpecicetva:-in-hatapiceyc-itáverbto bring (something) down for (someone){I;3;D}...pokko-lvsten ienhvtvpecicen...pokko-lást-i-n a:-in-hatapicêyc-in...he brought them down a black ball... (H)fromhvtvpecicetv
ienhvtvpketva:-in-hatapk-itá🔊verbto step down for, step out of for, come down for (of one){I;D}fromhvtvpketv