yąfkusēyǎ:ⁿfk-os-i:adjectivevery late in the evening (about 7 p.m.)Ya̜fkusē hakēpvcoken...yǎ:ⁿfk-os-i: há:k-i:p-acók-inIt seemed to be getting really late in the evening... (H)Netta ya̜fkusof ehute enkvpahket vhoyet...nittá: yǎ:ⁿfk-os-o:f ihóti in-kapáhk-it aho:y-ítLate in the evening they left their house... (H)
yahketvya:hk-itá1verbto yell, shout, whoop (of a large group, as in a ball-game or when attacking){I}...’metetahket yahiken, Helvpeu yahiken, etoh-vpēyen...’m-ititáhk-it ya:hêyk-in hilápi-w ya:hêyk-in it-óhh-api:y-ín...[Okfuskee] got ready and yelled, and Hilabi also yelled and they went toward each other... (H)2nouna yell (at a ballgame)Yahketv yekcēn yahkekvs.ya:hk-itá yíkc-i:-n ya:hk-íkasLet them yell a strong yell. (H)
yakyvpēyakyap-í:adjectiveforked (of two or more)...eto yakyvpusē hokkolen warateu resyicen...itó yakyap-ós-i: hokkô:l-in wâ:ɬ-a:ti-w (i)ɬ-ís-yeyc-ínThey brought two forked posts that they cut, too... (H)seeyakpē
yataya:tá: < ya i:tá: < ya i:tawáadjectival nounthis same (house, etc.), this same place...yata cuko ofvn...ya:tá: cokó ó:fa-n...in this same house... (1915)Estomehcēkotok yatan hericvraneyat tvlkēs.istomihc-í:ko-:-to:k ya:tá:-n hiɬéyc-aɬa:n-iy-â:t tâlk-i:-sWe can’t do anything with him, so we’ll have to bury him in this same place. (H)seemata
yefolecetv(’yi)folic-ítaverbto go back (of three or more), return to{I}orfolecetvseeyefolhoketvyefolketvrafolecetvɬa:-folic-itáverbto go and come back (of three or more)...Helvpet epohyet yahiket rafolēcvntvs....Hilabi won and yelled and came back. (H)raohfolecetvɬa:-oh-folic-itáverbto return back to (of three or more)...em ēkvnv raohfolēcet......when they returned to their lands... (H)
yefolecicetv(yi)foliceyc-itáverbto make (one) go back, send back...vkvsvmaken omat opunvkv (ye)fulecicahken...akasám-a:k-ín o:m-â:t opona-ká foliceyc-áhk-in...and if they agree and send word back... (H)orfolecicetvseeyefolhuecetvenfolecicetvin-foliceyc-itáverbto send back to (someone)...’ponvkv estenfolecicarēs....I will send word back. (H)
yefolhoketv’yifolhok-ítaverbto go back (of two), return to{I}...ēkvnv lekhothēn welvkēpeyvtēt ont yefolhokepvranēs.i:kaná likóth-i:-n wilák-i:p-iy-áti:-t ôn-t ’yifolhok-íp-aɬa:n-í:-s...we’ve been in a warm land and are going back. (H)seeyefolecetvyefolketvrafolhoketvɬa:-folhok-ítaverbto go and come back (of two)
yefolhuecetvyifolhoyc-itáverbto make (two or more) go back, send back’Tepiket ’yefolhuecetvn kont okaken...’tipêyk-it ’yifolhoyc-itá-n kôn-t ok-a:k-ín[The wolves] wanted to whip them and send them back, they said. (H)seeyefolecicetv
yefolketv(’yi)folk-itáverbto go back (of one), return to{I}Yefulkepvs!’yifolk-ip-ásGo back!...taklikēpvyvtet yefulkeparēs.tak-leyk-î:p-ay-át-it ’yifolk-ip-á:ɬi:-s...I'll stay awhile and go back home. (H)Momof hoktuce tat encukon yefulkēpvtēs.mo:m-ô:f hokt-ocí-ta:t in-cokó-n ’yifólk-i:p-atí:-sDuring that time the little girl started back home. (H)orfolketvseeyefolecetvyefolhoketvafolketva:-folk-itá1verbto return, come back (especially, to church after an absence, of one)2nounbackslidingesfolketvis-folk-itáverbto take back to (something or someone)...rasfuliket wakvn yesfulkvtēt omēs....she went back with him and came back with some cattle. (H)rafolketvɬa:-folk-itáverbto go and come back (of one)