vfvnketv(a)fank-itáOlderto show oneself, present oneself, peep outMomen enhuehkē monken, vwo̜lusen yvfvnkvtēs.mo:m-ín ín-hoyhk-í: mônk-in awǒ:ⁿl-os-in y-áfank-atí:-sThen they kept calling, and [the giant snake] came up [to the surface] very close. (H)avfvnkēa:-afánk-i:🔊sticking out this way (of one)avfvnketva:-afank-itáto stick out, come up (to the surface), come peep out...cetto herakv hakepēt omet, avfvnket omvtēs....he had become a fine snake, and he came up [to the surface]. (H)rem ohfvnketv’ɬ-im-oh-fank-itáto peek out of (a door, etc.)renfvnketv(i)ɬ-in-fank-itá, (i)ɬ-im-a-to peek out at (someone)...vhvoke restem vfvnkēpuset hueretskof......when you present yourself at doors... (H)
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