Bible Dictionary and Concordance



keep / kept / keepethTo hold tightly, not letting go, guard, obey, protect, preserve, retain, to keep something locked away. To keep a thought, an object, or someone close to oneself. DTP When we become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ, we are placed in the safety of God’s keeping hands. Like a father looks after and watches over a child, God the Father cares for us and keeps us close to His loving heart. We can feel and know His peace and security because He has promised to keep, guard and preserve us all the days of our lives.
keeperGuard, caretaker, attendant, custodian, one who looks after, to hold on to, one who is responsible to someone, to look after that which you have been entrusted.
kenosisGreek theological term describing how Jesus "self-emptied" Himself of some of His divine qualities when He became man. Phil 2:6-11 gives the substance to this concept where He emptied Himself of omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience. Philippians 2:7 "but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of man (NASB)."
keyA device that can unlock a door, a lock or a trunk. DTP In the Bible "key" can have both a physical and spiritual meaning. It can imply that those who have the keys to something have power and authority to accomplish a specific purpose; for example, the ability to set free that which is bound.
kill / killed / killethTo put to death. To take the life breath from something living. To destroy by taking the blood from a living creature.
kind / kindly / kindnessCompassion, sympathy, gentleness, benevolence, thoughtfulness. DTP The disciple is to have this "fruit" evident to everyone with whom they daily come in contact. When a disciple is filled with the Spirit, the "Fruit of the Spirit" will be evident.
kindred / kindredsFamily or tribal connection, the family to which one belongs, relatives. DTP Spiritually, it can also mean like-mindedness; being connected to our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus in His body, the church.
King / kingRuler, sovereign; one who oversees, having the power and authority over the people of his lands or kingdom. DTP Many countries have a king as their leader; in a spiritual sense, when we accept Christ as our personal Saviour, He becomes king over every aspect of our lives. When Christ returns He will come as King of kings. (See Psalm chapter 21 and 24.)
kingdom / kingdomsRealm, empire, monarchy. This is an area of land, a city, or a country or a commonwealth of countries where a king or a queen rules over the people. DTP Whose kingdom are you representing and serving? Are you a soldier of this world's kingdom or God's heavenly kingdom? We are called by Jesus Christ to be ambassadors of reconciliation for His Kingdom (2 Cor 5:20).
kingdom of GodThis is a realm or place over which God has absolute rule. It is God's eternal dwelling place. In the kingdom of God there is a throne room where Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father. But also, in a spiritual sense, the Kingdom of God is in the hearts of His followers (Gal 5:21).
kingdom of heavenAlso can be termed the Heavenly Kingdom. This is a realm or place over which God has absolute rule. It is God's dwelling place. This term is used most often in the book of Matthew. The book of Revelation gives to us a glimpse or a window to the appearance of heaven and to those who dwell there.
KINGS, Book of FirstThe two books of Kings at one time were just one single volume in Hebrew. The book covers the kings of Israel from around 972 to 560 B.C. First Kings cover a period of time of about 118 years. The book can be broken down chronologically into seven parts.
KINGS, Book of SecondThe two books of Kings at one time were just one single volume in Hebrew. The book covers the kings of Israel from around 972 to 560 B.C. Second Kings cover a period of time of about 308 years. The book can be broken down chronologically into seven parts.
kinsman / kinsmen / kinswomanA person who is a relative; of the same blood line. The Hebrew law used this concept in dealing with land ownership, slave possession, as well as what was to happen following the death of a brother and the surviving wife. See Lev 25:25-34, plus read the story of Ruth.
kinsman redeemerOnly a kinsman or relative could redeem a relative's land and people. Responsibility would be fall to the closest relative (Lev 25:25). Boaz was Ruth's kinsman redeemer. In the spiritual sense, Christ is our kinsman redeemer. He can redeem us from a life of poverty and destruction, making us joint heirs with Him in heaven. See and read the book of Ruth.
kiss / kissedA kiss was a way to show respect and greeting to another person. In Bible times, people would greet one another with a kiss on either cheek, or both cheeks. DTP A kiss showed friendship and love. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, demonstrating the deceitful depths to which his heart had sunk. In the Old Testament a kiss on the lips was common when greeting a relative. The kiss on the check showed friendship. A kiss between disciples was an evidence of brotherhood. Kissing the feet showed submission. 1 Sam 24:8; Ps 72:9; Rom 16:16; 1 Cor 16:20; 1 Thes 5:26; 1 Pet 5:14.
knee / knees / kneel / kneeledTo kneel down before another demonstrates respect and honor. It is humbling oneself and offering yourself to the will of another. It can be a sign of deep gratitude and respect, even to the point of offering one's life in servitude.
knockA means of gaining entry, alerting the resident that someone wishes to enter. One knocks on the outside but the hearer or owner of the door has to decide if they will answer and let the person in. DTP Often homes are locked from the inside and only the owner can open the door. This is why Jesus knocks at the door of our hearts, but it is our "free will choice" to decide if we are going to let Him in. Jesus challenges the disciple to knock at the "door" of God's heart in prayer to determine His will.
know / knowing / known / knew / knowethIdentify, recognize, discern, see, understand. DTP The disciples are to know Christ and His word, the purpose being to put that knowledge into action. Paul wanted to know Christ in a very deep and comprehensive way.
knowledgeComprehension, understanding, experience, skill. DTP The key is to turn head knowledge into heart action. The knowledge should become an attitude that guides our walk in Christ. The purpose of knowledge is to bring about change.
KoranThe book considered sacred for Islam. To the Muslim, the Koran is held in highest respect and should never be defamed or defaced. Muslim clerics study the Koran with great intensity. Muhammad did not write the Koran by himself; his followers wrote down his teaching and then compiled them into book form. (See the word "Islam").