cha11whip2make even3clan name4break5clan name (given by the Chief)
cha2chaov1helpO cha yaa.He helped us.2whip, thrashChao daa la nɛ.Thrash him with the stick.Ba chacha mɛ chweremi.They whipped me with canes (many times).3break (rope, thread)ŋwɛn la chao.The rope broke.4pickN nɛ cha maŋgɔ.I am picking mangoes.5make even (score)Ba cha ba jeg la.They equalized their goal. (They evened the score)
chagɛchagɔv1catch2catch (something pouring down - rainwater, corn)He chagɛ nee tama.You have caught a little water.3go towardsO chagɛ moo ŋwɛnɛ kaa.He went towards the river.