Browse Dɛg – English
ga gao v 1 proper 2 pass through O ga bwɛ la ta. He passed through the town.
gaage gaagɔ v wander about O dɛ gaage. He is wandering about.
gaeh cf patapaa 1 become wild 2 become irritable 3 become aggressive 4 aggressiveness, wildness, irritability **O lɛ gaeh. He has become aggressive.
gal loc left side Kpɔ gal. Take the left (side).
-gal adj sfx left nɔngal left hand
gale galɔ 1 step over 2 cross 3 step over, cross Bɛ kondikwaa la gale. Don't step over the food.
galga adj most of Ba galga bwa kaa tɔɔ tɔr. Most of them have gone for grasscutters.
gaŋgaŋ 1 drum (type) 2 dance (type) 3 type of drum (first brought from the north, made of tree 4 type of dance
gara 1 1 measuring-basin 2 leaves (for dyeing) 3 type of leaves (for dying clothes; squeeze leaves in 4 type of dye
gara 2 garare n tin or basin used for measuring e.g. kerosene
garɛ garɔ v pass by O ba gar mɛ tarakeŋ. He passed by me just now. **O sie garɛ gɛ. He is too old to be doing that.
gba gbao 2 1 even 2 clear (of bush) 3 to harvest (use hoe to uproot groundnuts, bambara beans, _&c._) N eɛ gba deŋkera. I am harvesting groundnuts. 4 to clear (of bush) N dɛ gba ŋwɛnɛ. I am clearing the path.
gbaa gbaarɔ cf gbaarɔ gbaa haah 1 haah 2 haahrɔ haah 2 luhaah v scrape together Gbaa teera tɛ mɛ. Scrape the dirt together for me. **O gbaaro pɛl o bambile. He embraced him.