Browse Nafaanra - English
ka1nsomeJande, ni ŋga kaara kre ka.Please, give me some of the meat.2veatU finyjie yire ka peii.He ate all the yam.3vbreakU sna titi mu kaan kre ka.He is so heavy that he broke the stick.
kaa1nlorry, carKaa kre nyjira frɛrɛ nu.The lorry got stuck in the mud.2njokeKaa ni lii.I am joking.3nlorry, car4veating (continuous)Wɔɔ, mu yiri aŋga na shie lɛɛ na mu na fulo mna tra kaa mbe sɛ su mu kumu ble.Snake, from now on you will be crawling on your stomach and eating dirt until you die.
kaafɔɔngazelleKaafɔɔ kara tna titi.The meat of the gazelle is very good.
kaalavdeny, refute, argueU kaala na wre ma.He denied that he was the one.
kaalaandenial (plural)Peter Kaalaa Shiin WoPeter's two denials
kaalienmaking fun ofU kaalie kre tia u yiɛ na nyina na u ni.His joking with him made him angry.
kaambɛlɛnbutterflyKaambɛlɛ toto chaa kpa.Butterflies really like flowers.
kaanpl.kɛɛn1nstick, staffChlɔ wre kaan kre ka a u n ja na nyaari na.The old lady's staff is broken so she is no longer able to go out.2nhopeNii wa na kaan ni nyjeeri.I have a hope in heaven.3vto give (continuous)Mbe mu ŋmaa tnu tra ŋga ni e kaan kre na.I give you long life on the land which I am giving you.
kaandɔɔnplant diseaseNa kaandɔɔ wa finyie na kia jaa fi chiriri.When this plant disease is on a yam it can't germinate.
kaanhaapl.kaanhɛɛnhope placeShɔnlifɛɛnlɛ wa na kaanhaan ni nyjeeri.Believers have hope in heaven.
kaanlɛɛnburning coalsKaanlɛɛ sroo tinyi klai.Burning wood coals destroys trees.
kaanriv1argue, challengeBiile pre wa na peyɛ nyu kaanri.The children are arguing among themselves.2markBrɔfiɛ tɛɛ mu lawe kre kaanri.Use the cutlass to mark the place.3strippedYuro wre kaanri kaanri.The animal is stripped in colour.
kaanrifunpl.kaanrifɛɛnlɛna person who marks out a foundation or the line on a road
kaaranmeatSugbɔ kaara tnamuu kiyɛ na mbɔɔ wo ni.Goat meat, like lamb, has its own sweetness.
kaarivturn, to seek protectionU fɛ mu sɛ blɔ wre kaari.He went and sought protection from the man.
kaaroonlikeAtta u nyuŋgo kre fiŋge na kaaroo ni.Atta whitened his room with lime.
kabaarapl.kabɛɛlɛnslanderKabaara we jaa ti mbe prosie ndro yii mbe le nyuŋgo finfin.Slander can be enough for the police to put a man in prison.
kabienmeatNa klɛ yire waa yɔɔlɛ mu tia ndro wrefun na u kabie nyaa, kena u n pe cheche.If the sores are open and you can see the meat then he is unclean.
kabiilennativesFumblɔ na chia kee chin na kabiile lɛ.Strangers do not see the town things as a native.
kablenvillageKable biaa fna mbe asɔɔri ta.Each village should have a church.
kabrɛnfetish, used for cursing and killingMusa kabrɛ yire nyu ku fuŋga.Musa's binding fetish is now dead.
kabronmalariaKabro u yii.Malaria has attacked him.
kachalantrouble makerU kacchala kpɔɔ.He is a good trouble maker.
kachindɛnwisdom, intelligenceSepe kala chin mu wɛ yurɛ kro na.A spider is an intelligent animal.