dɔɔtavtake careLawee kre dɔɔta, nyukwan wa wa.Beware of the place; there is a dog there.
dɔɔtaavbeing careful, continuous formLewo ŋmba u u nyu kee dɔɔtaa kpan, u u ŋmaa le chichie.He who guards his lips guards his life.
dɔɔyavsuffer, destroyNdo Woli yira kre tia u dɔɔya.Mr. Woli's sickness causes him to suffer.Lewo sisam we jaa ti Nyiɛkpɔɔ u dɔɔya.The sins of man will cause God to destroy him.
dɔkitanhospitalWra yaa a pra sɛ na u ni dɔkita.He was sick, and so they went with him to the hospital.
dɔknunkenkeyBleju ni pe dɔknu pini.Corn is used to make kenkey.
dɔlɔɔnbriberyNyiɛkpɔɔ shɔnlifun na dɔlɔɔ shɔ.The believer never accepts bribes.
dɔlivbribeWra blɔ wre dɔli a wra kala kre ti.The man was bribed, so he dismissed the case.
dɔlidɔliadvsoft or loose partZipora u pɔ blɔ fɛŋgɛ nyu dɔlidɔli kre kun.Zipora cut the soft part of her son's penis.
dɔŋgɔpl.dɔmblɔnwormNi doŋgɔ nya lɔɔ kre nu.I saw a worm in the river.
denkrenbird cagePe hanyiɛlɛ yiri na leni denkre nu.They are catching birds and putting them in a cage.
denyjuundishonestyKalalifun wre denyjuu ni.The lawyer is dishonest.
denyjuufunpl.denyjuufɛɛnlɛndishonest personPe u chin denyjuufun chia kre na.They know him to be a dishonest person in the town.
deŋgeadvanimals natural deathNa yurɔ ku uyɛ deŋge yaashia u nyina ka.If an animal dies by itself you shouldn't eat it.
dɛɛdɛɛnswampTiŋge kpɔɔ ka to dɛɛdɛɛ kre nu.Some big tree has fallen in the swampy place.
dɛnkɛncrocodilePe dɛnkɛ hlɛ tɛɛ na kpawrɛ pini.They take the skin of the crocodile and make shoes.
dɛŋglɛnmatU dɛŋglɛ kre wru mu sɛ katoo.He took the mat and went to his house.
didikolonstumpNa yeŋge fniŋge a mu didikolo nya mu yo ndro wi.If you see a stump under moon light you will mistake it for a person.
didiŋgepl.didinyinrootDidiŋge kre fɔɔn.The root is rotten.
dimmadjcalmBiilɛ pre kroo wa sukuu nu; ki tia lawee kre ku dimm.All the children are at school and the place is very calm.
dinipl.diŋglɛnspoonDini ni chaa mbe chiin naa mbe le.I need a spoon to taste the soup.
dintaanandeafDintaana wre n na kaa kre tiŋge loo, a kra u gbo.The deaf person did not hear the sound of the car, and it killed him.
dipimnapologyA pra pan mna pe ŋga dipim.And they came to give them an apology.
dnɛnstonePɔ wre hanyini wa na taya dnɛ ni mu gbo.The child put a stone in a catapult and killed a bird.
dnɛweepl.dnɛweelencaveDnɛwee pra Yesu le.Jesus was buried in a cave.
dnumuvcheatPe u dnumu jafa na wa.They cheated him in the market.