dnumufunpl.dnumufɛɛnlɛnperson who cheatsO Tafun Nyiɛkpɔɔ n na dnumufun kee chaa.Our Lord God does not like cheating.
dnunyanworldPan drunya nyi imi.This is how the world is.
dobodobondiviningDobodobo tnumu u tuni.He does the work of divining.
dobodobofunpl.dobodobofɛɛnlɛnmagicianDobodobofun wre yira fiŋge kre kari yira wɔ.The magician changed the white thing into a black thing.
dodoŋgipl.dodonyinshirtWra yoŋgo kre fra dodoŋgi.He sewed the cloth into a shirt.
dramnweatherMɛŋɛ ki woni bnimi nyu na, na dram saan.The dew comes early in the morning then it is gone.
drawapl.drawaenhookWe mbro wɔ drawa ni.He will catch fish with hooks.
dumblecfdununfootstepsNa e waa dumble loo tinyi yire ndra na, kena e na wii na pe ni.When you hear the sound of marching in the tree tops then go out and fight with them.
dumbrɛvhandle with careU chɔɛ yire dumbrɛ mu sɛ na yi ni katoo.He carried the pots carefully to the house.
dumingraceYire na Nyiɛkpɔɔ dumii e tni.May the grace of God be with you.
dummadvlook carefullyU ni le dumm, mu chin mu ni chin.She looked at me a long time before recognizing me.
dunucfdumblentrackBɔfɔ wre nuu wre dunu tɔɔnri.The hunter is reading the track of the bush cow.
duŋupl.dumblɔnmoth, termiteDuŋu wre yonyi yire kla.The moth has spoiled the cloth.
duuadjcloudyDwanle kre pe duu.The mirror is cloudy.
duurivfavour someoneLewo ŋmba u uyɛ ta wre lenɛɛrɛ duuri.The person who is capable will try to win favour from others.
dwancassavaPe pan na dwa ni jafa na; oo jaa gaare pe.There are plenty of cassava in the market; we can make gari.
dwamunblessingNa mu chichie piin mu Nyiɛkpɔɔ dwamu ta.When you do good, you have God's blessing.
dwanvto blessPe mu dwan mu wɛ mu wolo hamblɛ pre na.They blessed you more that the rest of your fellows.
dwanlenmirror, glassDwanle kre nyu titi, ki tia jaa ni yiɛ le fuŋga.The mirror is really nice; I can see my face now.