jav1breakPɔ wre gbolo kre ja.The child broke the gourd.2conquerPra pe loŋgoolo pre ja.They conquered their enemies.3to be ableU ja na shie see fuŋga.He can now go to the farm.
jaapl.jaala1nsisterNi jaa mɛɛ Abina.My older sister's name is Abina.2vableNi ndra ni yaa, ki tia mba jaa tuuro kpɔɔ tio.I have a headache, so I can't carry a heavy thing on my head.3vbrokenMaa jaa nyumu ko na gbolo jaa ni.You can't collect water with a cracked gourd.
jaaraprepside, besidePan mu tni ni jaara.Come and sit near me.
JaaraanwarningNa pɔ kachiŋu lɛ u jaari, u ndie teeri u pan, la, pɔ ndikaŋu na jaaraa loo.A wise son heeds his father's instruction, but a mocker does not listen to rebuke.
jaariv1warnU u jaari na waa shia sɛ wa.He was advised not to go there.2yawnU ŋunumu kre tia a wra jaari.He is yawning because he's sleepy.
jafanmarketU sɛ jafa na.He has gone to the market.
jafalienmerchandisingJafalie ki paan na swa ni chia na.Merchandising is a channel of bring wealth to the community.
jafalifunpl.jafalifɛɛnlɛntradersJafalifun wre sɛ Techiman jafa na.The trader went to Techiman market.
jafalihaanmarket placeYesu yo: Yaa ni Lɛ katoo pe jafalihaa.Jesus said don't make my Father's house a market place.
jajaarangreedU jajaara tia ndro na sro mu da u na.His greed makes it so no one can approach him.
Jajaarafunpl.jajaarafɛɛnlɛngreedy personJajaarafun u paan na kala ni, la, ŋmba u kaan o Tafun Nyiɛkpɔɔ na kre we nyu.A greedy person stirs up trouble, but he who trusts in the Lord will prosper.
jajaŋgannetA na pe shie, mbe pe pɛɛri na jajaŋga ni, mbe pe yii na hanyini wi.And as they are going I will trap them with a net as one traps a birds.
jakaannwalking stick used by old ladiesChalɔ wre jakaan kre ka wee kre nu.Her walking stick got broken in the hole.
jandanrafia matPe janda prɛ jafa na.They sell rafia mats in the market.
jandeexclpleaseJande, ni ŋga sidi kagbeŋge kɛ.Please give me ten thousand cedis.
janivwinningUu ŋmbilɛ jani na gbuun fimi na.He is able to beat his friends outside.
janyilantraditional guitarFawolo naa janyila gbuun na yoo na nyiŋge sii.Our ancestors were playing locally made guitars until dawn.
jaŋgan1authorityUu wa na jaŋga ni katoo kre na.He's the one with the authority in the household.2forceJaŋga ni u tɛɛ mu ki shɔ.He forced and took it.
jaŋgafunpl.jaŋgafɛɛnlɛnpowerful personNa muu swa ni aŋga, kena jaŋgafun wi ŋu.If you have money today, you are a powerful person.
jawav1to discuss, to plot, to think, to decide, to take notice ofJawa ni jawa; kena jande, laa ni na.I am thinking; so please don't bother me.2discussŊgi ble oo kala kre jawa hin?When are we going to discuss the case?3decideKalalifun wre kala kre jawa.The judge decided the case.
jawaivthinkingKala ŋga ki pan kre ne jawai.I am thinking about what has come.
jawalanopinion, thought, knowledge, mindE ti mbe o kro jawala nunu ta.Let us all have one mind.
jawala lafunnmindless personMu ni wie na "A jawala lafun ŋmbi u ni nyu kaanri ŋga hin?"You will ask me, "Who is this mindless person who argues with me?"
jawalafunpl.jawalafɛɛnlɛnwise personNyiɛkpɔɔ wa nyjeeri mu na lewo na nyjuro le tra mna, na aada we lewo jawalafun ŋmba u u haa chaa nya.God is in heaven and looking on human beings on the earth to see if he will find a wise person who is searching for him.