mapiniadjdistressing or troublingNa mapini kee pan kie sisampefun li, la, lewo ŋmba u fraka kre wa jɔŋgɔ u titɛɛ.When a trouble thing comes, it will overtake the sinner, but a righteous person will not be moved.
maweepl.maweelennostrilBoŋgrɛ nyjira u mawee.A groundnut got stuck in his nostril.
mayolonspoken wordsNi pɔ, ndie tɛɛ ni nyu kee na, mu li ni mayolo na.My child put my words in your ears and eat my spoken words.
mbapron/tenseI will notA wra yo mbo, "Frakafɛɛnlɛ fuloe shiin pre ndra na, mba ki kla."And he said "Because of forty good people I will not destroy it."
mbaapron/tenseI shouldn'tŊu, mu yo na mbaa shia kee nyaa yo mbe Israel leele pre taan.You, you say I shouldn't prophecy against the people of Israel.
mbaalacfmbɔɔnsheepBawa we pe yɔɔlɛ, imi na mbaala lefun u mbaala, na u sikaala yɔɔlɛ.Then he will divide them as the sheep herder separates the sheep and the goats.
mbaalalefunnshepherdMbaalalefun sɛ na u yurɛ pre ni kahaa.The shepherd took his sheep to pasture.
mbachlɔnfemale sheepNdro na u mbachlɔ prɛ nyaanyaa.The man sold his female sheep quickly.
mbafiunpl.mbafimblenwhite sheepSɛɛnfɛɛnlɛ na sɔɔlɔ mbafiun teeri na sra woni.Fetish people and Muslims use white sheep for making sacrifice.
mbakɔnfutureTnumu ŋga we tun mbakɔ yi flaŋga.The work he will be doing is farming.
mbalopl.mbaloolonfemale sheepMbaloolo pre yaa kro.All of the female sheep are sick.