paaranyinafunpl.paaranyinafɛɛnlɛnadviserNa ki pe imi kre, o paaranyinfun shian.When it happens like this, we need a counsellor.
paari1vput acrossPe kolo kre paari na kaan ni.They closed the road with a stick.2vunresolvedLoplombo n ja mu kala kre kpra kun; ki tia ki paari.The elders were not able to tell the truth in the matter, so it is hanging.3vhangU kaan kre paari kotia yire na, mu na yirɛ chali yi na.She hung a stick across forked poles and dried things on it.4nmenstruationU paari nyjila tro.Her menstruation time is over.
paarifunnmenstruating womanNa blɔ waa sni na chlɔ paarifun ni, kena blɔ wre wa pe cheche.If a man sleeps with a menstruating woman he will not be holy.
paariivcrossU kaa kre paarii kro kre nyu na.He crossed the door with a stick.
paawapl.paawaentrayU boŋgrɛ wo taa paawa na, na prɛ.She put some groundnuts on a tray and is selling them.
palaadjyoung, used with animalsE pan na mbapilɛ pala kɔɔnashin mbe srawɔ Nyiɛkpɔɔ ŋga.You come with seven young lambs to sacrifice to God.
palivtouch lightlyO Tafun Nyiɛkpɔɔ na kɛ tini mna ni nyu pali.Our Lord God stretched out his hand and touched my lips.
pandiɛnneedlePandiɛ kre fun; ki tia mba jaa ni dodoŋgi kre fra.The needle is lost; so I can't sew my shirt.
panhaancomingNi wolo, mu wru o Tafun Yesu Kristo wre panhaa, na imi we o wru mbe pan u jara.My people concerning our Lord Jesus coming, as he will come and take us to be with him.
paŋgapl.panyincalf of legU chieri brɔfiɛn ni paŋga na.He slashed the calf of his leg with a cutlass.
ParadisinParadiseNa mu Yesu shɔmuli kre, na mu ku mu sɛ Paradisi wa.When you believe in Jesus, when you die you will go to Paradise.
patapl.pataenhutPe pata si mbe kumu pe.They have erected a hut to perform a funeral.
patiapl.patiɛnshoulderU kaan kre taa patia na.He put the stick on his shoulder.
patipatiadjspottedNa lewo wejinkaara ni patipati kre, u pe nɛɛrɛ ndro.If a person's body is spotted he is an unclean person.
pɔ2v1tieU u kpawrɛ yire mɛnyi pɔ.He laced his shoes.U sugbɔ wre pɔ tiŋge kre na.He tied the goat to the tree.2sweepAma kaloŋgo kre pɔ bnimi ŋga.Ama swept the house this morning.3hangU kaara kre le bɔtɔ nu mu ki pɔ nyjeeri.He put the meat in a sack and hung it up.