yavhelpU ya pe na a pe tuuro yire tuo.He helped them carried the load.
yaa1nfemale child born on ThursdayYaa u yaa ni na kagbala.Yaa is helping me in the kitchen.2vgleanPe sɛ bleju yire yaa haa.They went to glean the maize.3vto be sickYaa ni yaa kre.I am really sick.4pron/tenseyou notYaa ti mbe e yiɛ shɔ.You should not let yourself to be happy.
yaadinyardYaadi yaadi u yoŋgo kre knumu.He cuts the cloth by the yard.
yaaivgleaningRuth na yili mna sɛ see ka nu, mna sɛ taa yua kunfɛɛnlɛ plɛ kro, na yaai mu taa pe na.she went out and began to glean in the fields behind the harvesters.
yaariadvquicklySɛ swa kre wru yaari mu pan.Go and bring the money quickly.
yaashiapronyou (plural) shouldn'tYaashia ndro gbo.You shouldn't kill a person.
yaawanbrass bowlMbose na nuu wre nyimi yire kna mu le yaawa nu.Moses took the cow's blood and poured it into the brass bowl.
yafunpl.yafɛɛnlɛnhelperBlɔ kro yafun wi u chɔ.Every man's helper is his wife.
yakansomethingU sɛ yaka cha n ka haa.He went to find something to eat.
yambrawantambourinePe yambrawa nyaara asɔri nyuŋgo wa.They are shaking tambourine in the church.
yaŋupl.yamblansick personPe sɛ na yaŋu wre ni Techiman na.They went with the sick person to Techiman.
yaolifunpl.yaolifɛɛnlɛnmerchantA waŋgra yaolifɛɛnlɛ yire u yirɛ chichiele tataara na, mu kaari swafɛɛnlɛ.The world's merchants will stand on their many things and become rich people.
yɔv1danceU yɔ mu chin.He knows how to dance.2pass throughU yɔ nyaa.He passed through the bush.3divideU yoŋgo kre yɔ shiin.He divided the cloth into two pieces.
yɔɔpl.yɔɛ1nhalfNa kia pe mu ni ŋga yɔɔ.Please give me half of it.2adjPɔ wre yɔɔ.The child is satisfied.
yɔɔlɛv1divideU yi yɔɔlɛ gbee jijirɛ.He divided them four times.2sharePe yirɛ yire yɔɔlɛ mu peyɛ ŋga.They shared the things among themselves.
yɔɔlɛɛnpiecesNi yi yɔɔlɛɛ yire yɛ chaa.I would like some of the pieces.
yɔɔrɔndance, bandLeele wa yɔɔrɔ kre nu paa.There are many people in the dance.
yɔmndivisionU yirɛ yire yɔ taarɛ mu yɔm shiin wru.She divided it into three pieces and took two.
yɔmunportionJakɔb na jawa na, "Na Esau waa pan mu yɔmu nunu tɔ kre, yɔmu haŋa kre we jaa fɛ mbe shɔ."Jacob thought that if Esau would come and take one portion, the other portion would be able to run and be saved.
yɔŋmbɔadvlooseNa mu nduu wre pɔ yɔŋmbɔ yɔŋmbɔ we saan mbe sɛ.If you loosely tie the cow it will go away.
yɔyɔɔndancerYɔyɔɔ wre yɔ mu kɔ, a pe u kɛ sidi kagbenyi fulo.When the dancer finished dancing, they gave him 20,000 cedis.
yɔyɔɛnmane of a lion, or horseSoo wre yɔyɔɛ yire tnu.The horse has long mane.
yev1jumpSugbɔ wre ye kagbla kre na.The goat jumped over the garden fence.2bounceU bɔɔli kre wa tra a ki ye.He threw the ball down and it bounced.3splashNymu kre ye mu wo pɔ wre na.The water splashed over the boy.
yeereencallingNi nyu wa tɔ u mɛɛ yeeree na.I will not close my mouth in calling his name.
yeeriv1invite, to callKofi u jaa wre yeeri mbo pe sɛ katoo.Kofi called his sister to go home.2stand on tiptoeU yeeri na wɔɔ wre le.He stood on tiptoe looking at the snake.