Naskapi - English
ᑎᐛᒡp (time)right away, immediatelytiiwaach
ᑎᐱᐛᐅᓯᐤvaishe/he is the owner (of it)tipiiwaausiiw
ᑎᐱᑕᐤvaishe/he compares the size of two thingstipiihtaaw
ᑎᐱᒋᑎᒧᐛᐤvtashe/he counts, adds it up for him/hertipichiihtimuwaaw
ᑎᐱᒋᑎᒻvtishe/he counts, adds it uptipichiihtim
ᑎᐱᒋᑕᓱᐤvaishe/he makes an inventory (counting the objects)tipichiihtaasuw
ᑎᐱᒋᒪᐤvtashe/he counts, adds it (anim) uptipichimaaw
ᑎᐱᓂᒻvtishe/he holds something against it to measure withtipinim
ᑎᐱᓂᔅᑲᑎᒻvtishe/he measures it with extended armstipiniskaatim
ᑎᐱᓂᔅᑲᑕᐤvtashe/he measures him/her, it (anim) with extended armstipiniskaataaw
ᑎᐱᓄᐛᐃᑭᓐnishelter constructed by someonetipinuwaaikin
ᑎᐱᓄᐛᐊᒻvtishe/he shelters it, she/he puts up a shelter from the wind, coldtipinuwaaham
ᑎᐱᓄᐛᐤviiit is sheltered, it is a leetipinuwaaw
ᑎᐱᓄᐛᓯᒧᐤvaishe/he takes cover, shelter (from the cold)tipinuwaasimuw
ᑎᐱᓄᐛᓯᒧᓐnisheltered placetipinuwaasimuun
ᑎᐱᓄᐛᔅᑭᒻvtishe/he walks in the shelter of ittipinuwaaskim
ᑎᐱᓄᐛᔅᑯᓯᒧᐤvaishe/he takes shelter in the treestipinuwaaskusimuw
ᑎᐱᓄᐛᔭᑯᓂᑲᐤviiit is a sheltered place from the wind, behind snowtipinuwaayaakuunikaaw
ᑎᐱᓄᑲᒥᑲᓄᒡp (space)calm side, sheltered side of the lake, the lee sidetipinuukaamikaanuuhch
ᑎᐱᓄᑲᒥᔅᒐᒡp (space)at the calm side, sheltered side of the muskeg, bog, swamp, the lee sidetipinuukaamischaahch
ᑎᐱᓇᐃᐸᐤvaishe/he is preparing the net (tying on sinkers)tipinaahipaaw
ᑎᐱᓇᐤvtashe/he holds something against him/her, it (anim) to measure withtipinaaw
ᑎᐱᓯᑕᑎᒻvtishe/he measures it putting one foot before the othertipisitaahtim
ᑎᐱᓯᑕᒪᐤvtashe/he measures it (anim) putting one foot before the othertipisitaamaaw
ᑎᐱᓯᒪᐤvtashe/he compares the size of two (anim) thingstipisimaaw