Naskapi - English
ᒂᐱᒐᐅᔅᒋᐧᒄniwater pailkwaapichaauschiihkw
ᒂᑎᐱᐛᐱᓂᒻvtishe/he throws it over by handkwaatipiwaapinim
ᒂᑎᐱᐛᐱᓇᐤvtashe/he throws him/her, it (anim) over by handkwaatipiwaapinaaw
ᒂᑎᐱᐛᐸᐊᒻvtishe/he throws over, upsets him/her, it (anim) with a sweeping gesturekwaatipiwaapaaham
ᒂᑎᐱᐛᐸᐛᐤvtashe/he throws it (anim) over, upsets it with a sweeping gesturekwaatipiwaapaawaaw
ᒂᑎᐱᐱᔨᐅᐤvaishe/he rolls over laying downkwaatipipiyihuwfr. var.ᒂᒂᑐᐱᔪᐤ
ᒂᑎᐱᐱᔪᐤvaishe/he falls face downkwaatipipiyuw
ᒂᑎᐱᐳᐤvaishe/he sits face downkwaatipipuw
ᒂᑎᐱᔎᔪᐤvaishe/he puts her/his head to the sidekwaatipiskwaayuw
ᒂᑎᐱᓂᒻvtishe/he turns it overkwaatipinim
ᒂᑎᐱᓇᐤvtashe/he turns him/her, it (anim) overkwaatipinaaw
ᒂᑎᐱᓯᒪᐤvtashe/he tip it (anim) tips over so things fall out, offkwaatipisimaaw
ᒂᑎᐱᔅᑕᐤ1viiit is placed face downkwaatipistaaw
ᒂᑎᐱᔅᑕᐤ2vai+oshe/he turns it face downkwaatipistaaw
ᒂᑎᐱᔅᑭᒻvtishe/he tips it over with her/his body or feetkwaatipiskim
ᒂᑎᐱᔅᑯᐛᐤvtashe/he tips him/her, it (anim) over with her/his bodykwaatipiskuwaaw
ᒂᑎᐸᐊᒻvtishe/he upsets it, by toolkwaatipaaham
ᒂᑎᐸᐛᐤvtashe/he upsets it (anim), by toolkwaatipaahwaaw
ᒂᑎᐸᑕᐤvaishe/he rollskwaatipaahtaaw
ᒂᑎᐸᔎᐃᑭᓐnispatula, turner for foodkwaatipaaskwaahikin
ᒂᑎᐸᓱᐤvaiit (anim) blows overkwaatipaasuw
ᒂᑎᐸᔅᑎᓐviiit blows overkwaatipaastin
ᒂᑎᐸᔭᐤvtashe/he turns him/her, it (anim) face downkwaatipaayaaw
ᒂᑦp (time)then, nextkwaat
ᒂᐧᑯᑕᐛᐤvtashe/he widens the snowshoe by making a large opening in the framekwaahkutaahwaaw