Naskapi - English
ᒋᐃᑯᐤvaiit (anim, fish on a line) gets away from him/herchiihiikuw
ᒋᐃᓐviiit functions, workschiihin
ᒋᐅᓴᓄᐤvaishe/he is an orphanchiiusaanuuw
ᒋᐛᐅᑕᐤ1vai+oshe/he takes it back, returns it, paddlingchiiwaautaaw
ᒋᐛᐅᑕᐤ2nacaribou running around looking for its matechiiwaauhtaaw
ᒋᐛᐅᔭᐤvtashe/he takes him/her back, returns him/her, paddlingchiiwaauyaaw
ᒋᐛᐎᐤvaishe/he brings food back home for anotherchiiwaawiiw
ᒋᐛᐎᔭᐤvtashe/he brings him/her back by canoechiiwaawiiyaaw
ᒋᐛᐤvaishe/he goes back home, returns, escapeschiiwaaw
ᒋᐛᐱᒍᐤvaishe/he goes back moving winter campchiiwaapichuw
ᒋᐛᐱᔅᑎᒻvtishe/he turns toward it sittingchiiwaapistim
ᒋᐛᐱᔅᑐᐛᐤvtashe/he turns toward him/her sittingchiiwaapiistuwaaw
ᒋᐛᐱᔪᐤvai/iishe/he goes home; she/he, it (anim) goes back in a vehiclechiiwaapiyuw
ᒋᐛᐸᑕᐤvai+oshe/he goes back on foot with itchiiwaapaahtaaw
ᒋᐛᐸᔨᑐᒡvaithey go back running togetherchiiwaapaayituuch
ᒋᐛᑎᓂᐱᔪᐤviithe wind changes to a north windchiiwaatinipiyuw
ᒋᐛᑎᓂᓱᐤnaspirit of the north windchiiwaatinisuw
ᒋᐛᑎᓄᑕᒡp (space)on the north side, to the north, northwardchiiwaatinuutaahch
ᒋᐛᑎᓄᒡp (space)northchiiwaatinuuhch
ᒋᐛᑎᓐviiit is a north windchiiwaatin
ᒋᐛᑎᓐ ᐅᒐᑭᑕᐧᒄnanorth starchiiwaatin-uchaakitaahkw
ᒋᐛᑎᓴᐊᒻvtishe/he sends it backchiiwaatisaaham
ᒋᐛᑎᓴᐛᐤvtashe/he sends him/her back homechiiwaatisaahwaaw