Naskapi - English
ᔭᐃᑕᔾp (manner)make sure, for sureyaaitaay
ᔭᐅᑕᑯᓐviiit sounds far offyaauhtaakun
ᔭᐅᑕᑯᓱᐤvaishe/he, it (anim) sounds far offyaauhtaakusuw
ᔭᐅᓇᑯᓐviiit is far off in the distanceyaaunaakun
ᔭᐅᓇᑯᓱᐤvaishe/he, it (anim) is far off in the distanceyaaunaakusuw
ᔭᐛᑎᑭᓐnilong deep hole, tunnelyaawaatikin
ᔭᐛᑎᒻvtishe/he sounds far off when she/he callsyaawaatim
ᔭᐛᑕᐤviia sound (ex gunshot) is heard far offyaawaataaw
ᔭᐱᔅᑭᓱᐤvaiher/his footprints are small; she/he has small footprintsdimyaapiskisuw
ᔭᑲᐅᑐᐤnacake (from French)yaakaautuuw
ᔭᑲᐅᑐᒐᐤvaishe/he makes a cakeyaakaautuuchaaw
ᔭᑲᐅᑕᐅᐧᑲᐤviiit is a sand baryaakaautaauhkaaw
ᔭᑲᐅᑕᐤvai+oshe/he gets sand on ityaakaauhtaaw
ᔭᑲᐅᑕᐸᓐnitruck, dumptruck, or one that carries gravel or sandyaakaautaapaan
ᔭᐧᑲᐅᓇᔅᒄnipole used for pushing a boat, canoeyaahkaaunaaskw
ᔭᑲᐅᓯᒪᐤvtashe/he gets sand on it (anim) when it fallsyaakaausimaaw
ᔭᑲᐅᓱᐤviiit is a sandy beach, shoredimyaakaausuw
ᔭᑲᐅᔅᑭᒻvtishe/he gets sand on it by her/his body or feetyaakaauskim
ᔭᑲᐅᔅᑯᐛᐤvtashe/he gets sand on him/her, it (anim) by foot or bodyyaakaauskuwaaw
ᔭᐧᑲᐊᒧᐛᐤvtashe/he pushes it for him/her with somethingyaahkaahamuwaaw
ᔭᐧᑲᐊᒻvtishe/he pushes it with somethingyaahkaaham
ᔭᑲᐎᑐᒐᐤvaishe/he has sand in her/his earsyaakaawiihtuuchaaw
ᔭᑲᐎᑕᐤvai+oshe/he gets it sandy by dropping ityaakaawiihtaaw
ᔭᑲᐎᔭᐤvtashe/he gets him/her, it (anim) sandyyaakaawiiyaaw
ᔭᐧᑲᐛᐤvtashe/he pushes him/her, it (anim) with somethingyaahkaahwaaw