ai1ʔa³³COMʕa³³TA1动vt欠to oweNgaf zzee ddeegvl nee gai cheenihal jelye ddeemaiq tv bel hee nal, eyi teiq dal ai melsei.我的朋友前几天向我借了一点钱,但是现在还欠着呢。A friend borrowed some money a few days ago, and (lit: but now) (he) still owes (it to me).Ngeq gai cheenihal jelye zeiq jigaiq yil, xi gol ddeemaiq tv nal, cheekaq la teiq dal ai melsei.前一段时间我急需用钱,就跟别人借了点儿,可是到现在还欠着呢。I've had a lot of expenses lately, so (I) borrowed some money. And (lit: but now) (I) still owe (it).relrhu2rhu aiCOM短语phr欠债to owe a debt (of sth)2助动auxv该(做),应(得),理所当然to deserve to (because it is owed to you), to need to (because of a sense of duty)Lobbeixi nee gapv ddee chee ddee ai meq.做工的人得工钱是应该的。Laborers deserve to receive (their) wages.Ssomil nee ebbamei vqree chee ai meq.儿女赡养父母是应该的。Children need to serve/honor their parents.
ai3ʔa³³COM名nliu 1杏子apricotAi'liu chee bbvzzee jaiq jil, yaiqseif hiuq seiqmei, jiq gge zzerqliu ddeesiuq waq.杏子是一种红色的水果,比桃子小,味酸甜。Apricots are a smaller (fruit) than peaches. (They) are redder, and (they) are more'liuCOM名n杏子apricot
ai'aiqʔa³³ʔa²¹ZX动vi堵塞(例:水管)to be blocked, to be clogged (e.g. a pipe)relaiq32
aiftieʔa¹³tʰjɤ³³LQ➡ailti动vi打喷嚏to sneezeNgeq seiseiq mai yil, aiftie nee ngaiq me loq seiq.我感冒了,一个劲的打喷嚏,真受不了。I have a cold, and (I'm) sneezing so (much) that (I) can't stand it.
aigaiqsseeʔa³³ka²¹zɿ³³DYZ➡agaiqssiyaigaiqssee名ngvl1丈夫husbandNgaf bba chee ngaf mo gge aigaiqssee waq.我爸爸就是我妈妈的丈夫。My father is my mother's husband.synmeel'ee 1aigaiq chertvCOM名n鳏夫widower
ail1ʔa⁵⁵COMʕa⁵⁵TA动vt拌(凉菜)to make (exclusively used in reference to a dish of lentil jelly or salad, including cutting and seasoning it)Hee'ail qil bbei ail bbee nvl, rher pil ail bbee lei?凉粉是要冷拌呢还是煎了以后再拌?How do (you) want (your) bean jelly made? Do (you) want (it) cold, or fried first?hee'ail ailCOM助ptcl拌凉菜to make a dish of lentil jelly