Naxi - Chinese - English



ba1pɑ³³COM1vt到(某地或某时)to arrive, to reach (a destination or a time), to get toCheekaq gol ba me ceeq chee, tee ezee bbei neiq keel me ddoq wei.到现在都不来,真不知他在干什么?(He) still hasn't arrived even now. What can he be doing?Ngeq soqni sher ddeemerq jju yil, chuq bbei rhee loq ba ner.明天我有点事,必须很早到城里去。I have a little matter to deal with tomorrow, so (I) must get to town early.syndatv1 12助动auxv好(表示达到完美的程度)to complete (used as a complement of an action to indicate the desired outcome)Bbiuq cheedduq niaiq ba pil seil, bbv teiq ku yi.揉好这团面以后,再把锅预热。After the dough has been kneaded, heat the wok.syntv1 5
ba2pɑ³³COMvi发(例:芽、牙齿等)to sprout (e.g. plants from the ground, teeth from the gums, etc.)Kaqzzei dvq mai ddeenihal ggv seiq yil, ba hol neiq seiq.玉米种下去有一段时间了,快出苗了。It has already been several days since (we) planted corn, so (it) will sprout very soon.Ssiulssiuq cheegvl walhei ggv seiq yil, hee ni'liu teiq ba seiq.这孩子五个月大了,已长了两颗牙。This child is five months old, and (he) already has two teeth.
ba3pɑ³³COMcls1把(例:刀、扇子等)for things with handles (e.g. knife, etc.)Ngeq hopeil herl bbee yel, sseetei ddeeba yuq yel meil.我要切菜,请给我拿一把菜刀。I am going to cut up vegetables, so please hand (me) a knife.2把(用于椅凳)for chairsrelzhuq 1
ba5pɑ³³COMcls口(痰),条(鼻涕),泡(屎)for certain bodily fluids or excretions (i.e. saliva, nasal mucus, feces)Tee mieqliu kee tvl gv me liuq yil, kee qer ddeeba gol teiq tvl heq, zai shee seiq.她走路也不看着脚下,结果踩到一泡狗屎,脏死了。She wasn't watching where (she) stepped, so (she) stepped into a pile of dog poo, and got filthy.
baba1pɑ³³pɑ³³COMvt帮助to help, to assistSoqni xi ddeejjif kaqzzei dvq bbee zeel yil, baba bbee ner.明天有一家人种玉米,我得去帮忙。There's a family that's going to plant corn tomorrow, so (I) need to go and help (them).syngalga2kvkvqbaba lvllvLQ短语phr帮助(全心全意地)to help out wholeheartedly
baba2pɑ³³pɑ³³COMnleil2粑粑flatbread (general term)Baba chee Naqxi xi jjaif bbeeq bbei zzee neiq gge ha waq.粑粑是纳西人常吃的食物。Flatbread is food that Naxi people eat a lot of.Baba chee zzei bbiuq nee malma gge zzeezo ddeesiuq waq.粑粑是一种面粉做的食物。Flatbread is a food made from wheat flour.synbaqleil
babacailpɑ³³pɑ³³tsʰa⁵⁵COMnliu 1包包菜,莲花白菜,包心菜head cabbage (i.e. Western cabbage)
babaqpɑ³³pɑ²¹COMvt背(重叠表示动作的持续)to carry on one's back (reduplicated verb indicates continuation of action)Bbaqha shuq seil, kel babaq bel bbee ner.要找猪食就得背着篮筐去。If (you) are going to collect pig food, (you) need to carry a basket on (your) back.relbbuq2 1doqdoyuq1 1synbaq2za1
bafpɑ¹³COMnum八(一般跟汉语的量词一起使用)eight (commonly used with Chinese measure words)
bafddoqpɑ¹³dø²¹COMadj铁(核桃)difficult to shell (specifically used with walnuts)antgaifmeiqggvddvq bafddoqCOMn铁核桃a walnut which is hard to shell
Bafyui sheefwupɑ¹³ɥe³³ ʂʅ¹³wu³³COMn中秋节Moon Festival, Mid-autumn FestivalBafyui sheefwu tv seil, ngaf mo bbaita lei dal zoq.中秋节快到了,我妈妈又要做月饼了。When Moon Festival draws near, my mother will make mooncakes.
bai1pa³³COM1vt用力拍击(例:桌子)to slap, to strike (sth or sb with force as an emotional gesture)Ngaf bba cheeni jjaiq meheeq yil, sai'laq gv laqbbe bai bbei xi gol kaka neiq ye.我爸爸今天很生气,他跟别人拍桌子吵架了。My father is very angry today. (He) was slapping a table while scolding those people.relheel2heelhee2vt(严重地)砸to slam or throw (sth down with great force), to smash (sth)3vi(严重地)摔to fall (with great force), to smash (against sth)Ceel qer talrheeq zzerq chee shuaq rua seiqmei, zzer'laq la me gogoq yil, nvlmei me zeiq bbei ggeq chual bbeef seil, meeq bai shee gvl.黑枣树非常高,树枝也脆,爬上去要是不小心,会摔死的。Date-plum persimmon trees are very tall, and the branches are not sturdy. If (you) do not carefully climb up, (you) can fall flat on the ground and die.
bai2pa³³COMvtto assume or put on (e.g. airs)sheelzer baiCOM短语phr摆架势,显摆to show off, to act pompously
baideilpa³³te⁵⁵COMnba3 2板凳bench, stoolrelkalyizeesai'laiqzof 1
bailpa⁵⁵COMmw(一)点儿(用于液体)small amount of (liquid)synfvl3muq3
bailfafpa⁵⁵fɑ¹³COMnsiuq1办法method, way (to do sth)synbee1 3
bailyilpa⁵⁵ji⁵⁵COMbalyiladv1故意intentionally, deliberately, willfullyNgeq tee ddoq bbeq me mi yil, bailyil bbei tee gai nai neiq meq.我是因为不想见他,才故意躲着他的。I don't want to see him, so (I'm) intentionally hiding from him.2假装,做作insincerely, artificially
baiqggeepa²¹ɡɯ³³COMpa²¹ŋɡɯ³³OLDvi裂开,开裂to crack, to split (so that fissures appear on the surface, but without complete separation of the parts)Heeq me ggee yil, lee la sseidde bbei teiq baiqggee sie.因为没下雨,地都干裂了。It hasn't rained, so the ground is really cracked.Meecee qil rua yil, laq jjaif niree teiq baiqggee sie.因为冬天太冷,手都裂(开)了好几道。Winter is extremely cold, so (my) hands have cracked terribly.
bajepɑ³³tɕɤ³³DYZpɑ³³cjɤ³³LQba4nmei2蛙,蟾蜍frog, toadEbbeisherlbbei Naqxi nee baje gol liuq ddeeq zeel.据说古时候纳西人很崇拜青蛙。It's reported that long ago the Naxi people highly valued frogs.relnoyuqbapolsu
bal1pɑ⁵⁵COM1nliu 1大碗large bowlMil ssiulssiuq ddeegvl nee bal loq nee ha zzee nvl ddeemerq me lieq ye.一个女孩子用大碗吃饭真是有些不雅观。It is a bit unattractive for a girl to eat from a large bowl.relzzeiq2zzeizzeiq balbakualbalTAn大碗large bowl2mw大碗large bowl of (e.g. soup)Ngeq hee'ail ddeebal zzee bbeqmi ye yel, hee'ail ddeebal ail bel lu.我想吃一碗凉粉,你去拌一碗来。I'd like to eat a large bowl of lentil curd, so please make (me) a large bowl.3nliu 1basin, tub, potsynpeiq3
bal2pɑ⁵⁵COM1nkeeq1 2瓢子ladleNgeq jjiq jjaiq bvq yil, jjiq go bal nee jjiq qil sseidde ddeebal go teeq seiq.我非常口渴,就用水瓢舀了一大瓢冷水喝了。I was very thirsty, so (I) used a ladle to dip up a big drink of cold water.2mwladle of