ba1pɑ³³COM1动vt到(某地或某时)to arrive, to reach (a destination or a time), to get toCheekaq gol ba me ceeq chee, tee ezee bbei neiq keel me ddoq wei.到现在都不来,真不知他在干什么?(He) still hasn't arrived even now. What can he be doing?Ngeq soqni sher ddeemerq jju yil, chuq bbei rhee loq ba ner.明天我有点事,必须很早到城里去。I have a little matter to deal with tomorrow, so (I) must get to town early.syndatv1 12助动auxv好(表示达到完美的程度)to complete (used as a complement of an action to indicate the desired outcome)Bbiuq cheedduq niaiq ba pil seil, bbv teiq ku yi.揉好这团面以后,再把锅预热。After the dough has been kneaded, heat the wok.syntv1 5