Naxi - Chinese - English



cabbaqtsʰɑ³³bɑ²¹COMngvl1连襟one's wife's sister's husband, brother-in-law
cacaq1tsʰɑ³³tsʰɑ²¹COMvt1搅拌,搀和(例:水泥和水——重叠表示动作的持续)to stir, to mix (usually dry materials together or liquid into dry materials; reduplicated verb indicates continuation of action)Faqmiail neif bbiuq, faffei ddeemaiq, cei teiq keel seil, cacaq pil, jjiq keel ner seil, ddeemaiq teiq keel yi, niaiq tal seiq.发面和面粉加小苏打少许,再放盐搅拌,如果需要就放一点水,然后就可以揉了。Add sourdough, flour, a little baking powder and salt, then after stirring it, (you) need to add water. So add a little, then (you) can knead it.relcaq2 1holho2sherq3shersherq2zherqzher2搀和,搅和(事情)to meddle, to interferecacaq nolnoCOM短语phr挑拨,挑起争端to stir up (e.g. discord)Xi nee cacaq nolno yil, taf ebbvq ggeessee leel kaka lalla tv ye.由于别人的挑拨离间,他们家兄弟就都起了争斗。Because people stirred (them) up, those brothers ended up fighting.
cacaq2tsʰɑ³³tsʰɑ²¹COMvi蹚(例:在浅水里)to wade (in mud or water or liquid of any kind)relcaq1ggv1 1
cafyatsʰɑ¹³jɑ³³COMvi叉腰to place (one's hands on the hips so elbows are pointed outward, i.e. akimbo)relteel dvl 2
caitsʰa³³COMclsfor books
cailtsʰa⁵⁵COMn村(通常指大村里的一个范围或属于大村的一个小村)village (used to refer to villages within a group of villages, also used in some village names)Ji'leiqcail chee Ddiuqwe bbei loq el yi lei?吉来村属于白华村吗?Is Jilai Village among the Baihua villages?relbbei4 1we2 1gai cailCOMn前村front village (i.e. the first village that one comes to in a cluster of villages)ggeq cailCOMn上村upper villagemail cailCOMn后村back or last village (i.e. the last village that one comes to in a cluster of villages)meeq cailCOMn下村lower village
cailgotsʰa⁵⁵kø³³COMndial歌,歌曲song (common term)relgguqqil
cailzeetsʰa⁵⁵tsɿ³³COMn油菜,油菜籽rapeseed, canolasynyeqcail
caimaiqtsʰa³³ma²¹COMadv赶快at once, hurriedly
caiqtsʰa²¹COMmw顿(用于打、骂、批评等)occurrence of (e.g. a beating, a scolding, etc.)synbee1 1
caiqpaiqtsʰa²¹pʰa²¹COMn大圆盘子serving platter
caltsʰɑ⁵⁵COM1vtto biteMeeggv heeq me ggee, la bbaq xi me cal.打雷不下雨,虎啸不咬人。When it thunders, it doesn't rain. When a tiger roars, it doesn't attack (i.e. bite someone).Tee gol piqgo ddee'liu teiq yel mei, ddee'lo cal pil seil, sai'laiq gv teiq lei zail heq.我给了他一个苹果,结果他咬了一口,就又放在桌子上了。(I) gave him an apple, (but he) took one bite, and laid (it) on the table.relcalca 1synkai1 1jildderq calCOM短语phr流白沫to foam at the mouth2vi咬合(例:齿轮等),卡住(of gear wheels, etc.) to interlock, to engage
calcatsʰɑ⁵⁵tsʰɑ³³COMvi1互咬to bite each other (used with dogs or piglets; limited usage)Bberbberfsso ha zzee cheekaq sseil, calca gvl.小猪吃食时会互咬互抢。When piglets are eating, (they) bite each other.Kee chee nimei sseidde bbei calca neiq ye nal, cheel me loq.这两只狗互相咬得很凶,但都没有被咬伤。These two dogs were really fighting, but (they) weren't able to hurt (each other).relcal 1synkaikai2争吵(重叠表示互相的意思)to fight with words, to bicker (reduplicated verb indicates mutual action)Ebbvq ggeessee chee nigvl ddeemerq calca ser, ddeegvl nee ddeegvl gai ddeemerq la me ree.这两个兄弟喜欢争吵,一点都不肯相让。Those two brothers really bicker a lot, and (neither) one will exercise restraint with the other.reldiudiu 2dvldv2lal1 1lalla
caq1tsʰɑ²¹COMvi蹚(例:在浅水里)to wade (in mud or water or liquid of any kind)Rer me ner, jjihoq bbei meq yil, jjiq gai caq bel lu laq.不要怕,河很浅。蹚过来吧!Don't worry, the river is shallow. Wade on across.relcacaq2ggv1 1
caq2tsʰɑ²¹COMvt1混合(例:水泥)to mix up, to stir (mostly dry substance like cement or thick mud for adobe bricks)Zzaiq caq neiq cheekaq seil, xi gge kee nee tvltv tal; suiniq caq cheekaq seil, cogvl nee caq ner.和泥时可以用脚踩,和水泥时就得用锄头了。When mixing mud (for adobe bricks), (you) can tread in the mud with your feet. When mixing Portland cement, (you) should use a hoe to mix (it).relcacaq1 1holho2sherq3shersherq2zherqzher2搀,搀加to mix in (one type of dry substance with a similar substance; e.g. cornmeal with flour)Zhee me ga seil, bbalbba cheesiuq dvq bie me tal yil, yaiqbeil bbiubbiuq ddeemerq teiq caq laq.在不良的土壤里,这种花是长不好的,所以搀上一些枯饼粉末吧。This kind of flower will not grow well in poor soil, so mix in a little powered oil cake (i.e. the dregs from pressing rapeseed for oil).
cee1tsʰɿ³³COMvtto kick (sth)
cee2tsʰɿ³³COMadj粗,颗粒大coarse (e.g. gravel as compared to sand)Cheejjef goq eeq bel ceeq gge bbiuq chee ddeemerq cee ye.在这家磨坊磨的面有点粗。The flour ground at this mill is a bit coarse.antma1seeq6sil3relbbiu1synseeq6
cee3tsʰɿ³³COMnpi1犁铧plowshare, the blade of a plowEe leeq seil cee zeiq ner yil, ngaf jjikee chee eneif me gua cee ddeepi jju meq.因为耕田要用犁,所以我们那儿每家每户都有一张犁。When plowing, a plowshare is needed. So in my home area, every household has a plowshare.relddv2
cee4tsʰɿ³³TAn午饭noon meal, lunch (the second meal where four meals a day are common)Ngafggeeq jjikee seil sheeq'erl diai ddaq zzee gge ha cheepeeq gol chee cee shel meq.在我们家乡,12点左右吃的那一顿就叫午饭。In our hometown, the meal which is eaten at 12:00 noon is called lunch.relru 1
cee5tsʰɿ³³COMadj(对某件事)特别敏感,特别介意especially sensitive (towards certain matters)Tee gol gvyi shel me niq, tee gol seil che shel nee cee seiq.千万别说他秃头,他最听不得这个了。Don't speak to him about (his) baldness. He is especially sensitive when talking about this.
ceebbuqtsʰɿ³³bu²¹COMnmei2年猪fattening pig (i.e. one intended to be butchered in the winter)
Ceebiuqtsʰɿ³³py²¹COMn纳西族冬季的祭祖节,一般是农历十一月初一开始的两个星期左右,每家选不同的日子过节Naxi winter festival for honoring ancestors, observed for about two weeks starting the first day of the eleventh lunar month, celebrated on different days according to clanrelbiuq3Talbiuq
ceeceeq1tsʰɿ³³tsʰɿ²¹COMadj不舒服,不自在uncomfortable (used with things one wears, also when one feels ill at ease)Ngeq bba'laq cheesiuq muq me sol yil, teiq muq mei sseiggv ceeceeeq.我穿不惯这种衣服,穿着很不自在。I'm not used to wearing this kind of clothing, so (I'm) very uncomfortable wearing (them).ceeceeq zzeelzzeeCOMadj烦躁不安extremely vexed and ill at ease
ceeceeq2tsʰɿ³³tsʰɿ²¹COMvt塞塞(进空隙里)to stuff into (an open space, e.g. a crack)relceeq4
ceedeiqtsʰɿ³³te²¹COMcerdeiqnba3 1剪子scissors