datɑ³³LQ动vt到(某地或某时)to arrive, to reach (a destination or a time), to get tosynba11tv11
dabberldɑ³³bɚ⁵⁵COM动vi(一头)翘起(for a bench or table) to tip upTee nee nge juq me shel bbei ggeq ddee dee nee, sai'laiq ggeq dabberl ceeq yil, ngeq teiq ddol heq.她没跟我说一声就站起来了,结果长凳那头翘了起来,把我摔倒了。She didn't say a word to me but just got up, so the bench tipped up, and I fell down.
dabbuqkatɑ³³bu²¹kʰɑ³³TA名n扁担carrying pole, shoulder pole
da'faftɑ³³fɑ¹³COM动vi嫁(女儿)(of a woman) to be married outNgaf zzeimeilyuf mil nigvl jjuq, mil ddeeq gol nee meel'ee yagoq xiq seiq, mil jil seil meqdiul da'faf seiq.我的邻居有两个女儿,大女儿招了上门女婿、小女儿嫁了出去。My neighbors have two daughters. The older daughter's husband came to live with (them). The younger daughter was married out.antfvl4relsher bail 2
daidaiqda³³da²¹COM动vt1拉扯(重叠表示动作的持续)to pull (reduplicated verb indicates continuation of action)reldaiqseeq5seeseeq21daidaiq seeseeqCOM动vt拖着拉着,拉拉扯扯to drag and pull (with much effort because object is heavy)Kee cheemei nee bbuq sheemuq ddeemei daidaiq seeseeq neiq ye.这只狗正在拉扯一头死猪。That dog is dragging that hog carcass with much effort.2拉开(毯子或类似材料)to pull open (a blanket or similar material)Yilkeeq teiq sseelssee ye, me piq ye yil, mail ddee daidaiq neiq laq.被子皱了,不平整,把它拉开弄平吧。The quilt is wrinkled and uneven, so pull it open and smooth it out.
daihaiqta³³ha²¹COM名n压岁钱,喜钱,红包gift money (given at Spring Festival, weddings, etc.)
dail1ta⁵⁵COM动vt1结(果实)to bear, to produce (fruit)liu dailCOM短语phr结果子to bear fruit2粘,沾to stick, to glue tosherl dailCOM短语phr沾上污垢dirty, to have grime stuck tozzaiq dailCOM短语phr沾泥muddy, to have mud stuck on
daildaita⁵⁵ta³³COM1动vt粘,粘连to stick together, to be attached together2动vi交界,相邻to have a common geographical boundary3形adj粘稠thick (consistency), not runnyantbbiq3
daiqta²¹COM动vt拉to pull (general term)reldaidaiq 1seeq5seeseeq21mail daiqCOM短语phr(时间)往后延to delay or postpone (doing sth)mailkee daiqCOM短语phr拖后腿to hold sb back, to hindermiqzeel daiqCOM短语phr提(某人)的名字to mention or to refer (to sb by their) nameXiddeef gge miqzeel daiq hu me jju.不可以提大人的名字。It is not acceptable to use the name of (your) elders. (i.e. younger people must use their title: auntie, granny, etc.)
dal1tɑ⁵⁵COM➡f3副adv只only, simply有时可以省略成一个升调附加到前一个音节上,其整句意思不变。In a sentence, this word may be partially deleted, becoming a floating tone that attaches to the preceding syllable. If the preceding syllable has a mid or low tone, it will be articulated as a rising tone. The original meaning is retainedChee ddeesiuq dal waq meq. ( = Chee ddeesiuf waq meq.)这都是一样的。It is the same.
dal2tɑ⁵⁵COM动vt1烙(粑粑)to bake, to cook in a dry panrelchu1hiu1rher32焙(摊在干锅里加热)to sear in a dry pan (e.g. pork rind)
dal3tɑ⁵⁵TA动vt遮,挡to block, to be in (sb's light), to obstruct (sb's view)Nge nee nee gol gai dal mai zoq yil, elnigvl zzeeqgv ddeezail kaikaiq laq.咱们换一下座位吧,要不然我会挡住你的视线的。I will block your view, so let's trade seats.reldaq31
dal4tɑ⁵⁵COM动vt1嫁,出嫁(for a woman) to marry into (a man's family)2作为(一家人过日子),(跟某人)一起过(sb) to move in with (sb else to live as a family member), to become as a family member, to stay with (sb as a family member)Ello cheegvl yagoq xi neif ssomil me jjuq yil, ddeecherl bbei nge nee vqree, nge gol dal zherq bbee.因为这个老爷爷无亲无故的,我想让他跟我一起住,让他能老有所终。I am going to let this grandpa live with me so I can take care (of him) the rest of (his) life (i.e. one [whole] life), because he has no family or children.Eni xi ddeegvl nee Kehail gol taf goq dal laq shel bbei ggaihee neiq ye.昨天有个人跟科翰开玩笑说,要让他跟他们家一起过日子。There was a man who teased Mark yesterday by saying, "Come live with us."reldalda23帮腔to take the side (of sb in a disagreement)一般用于作状语短语。Usually used in an adverbial phraseNgeq xi juq kaka neiq mei, tee nee xi gguq teiq dal bbei dal geezheeq yil, ngeq meheeq shee lei heq.我跟别人吵架,他却帮别人说话、气死我了。When I am quarreling with someone, he takes their side in the disagreement, and (it) makes me livid.
dal5tɑ⁵⁵COM动vt附加to add, to includeSheji lvq ddeejal gol nee jelye yilbef mailgguq dal seil, sheji sheel ddeejal lei yuq tal zeel.听说一部旧手机再加上一百元,就可以拿一部新手机了。(I) heard that an old cell phone plus 100 yuan will buy a new cell phone.