ebbameiʔɑ³³bɑ³³me³³COM名n父母parents, father and motherEduwuq ssiulssiuq lei jjuq pil dal ebbamei bbei chee seiq bbei jjeq mei see tal meq.自己有了孩子才会知道做父母的苦。Only when you have (your) own child can (you) know how difficult it is to be a parent.synbbamei
ebbeisherlbbeiʔɤ³³be³³ʂɚ⁵⁵be³³DYZʔɑ³³be³³ʂɚ⁵⁵be³³LQ副adv1很久以前,古时候a long time ago, traditionallyEbbeisherlbbei Naqxi nee baje gol liuq ddeeq zeel.据说古时候纳西人很崇拜青蛙。It's reported that long ago the Naxi people highly valued frogs.syngainieq sherlnieq2很久很久以前(一般用于传统故事的开头)said at the beginning of a traditional story or tale (roughly similar to "once upon a time")Ebbeisherlbbei nief chee, xi ddeejjef chee eqmei mil seelgv jjuq…传说在很久很久以前,有一户人家有母女三人……Once upon a time (or a long time ago), there was a family with a mother and two daughters…
ebbvqʔɑ³³bv̩²¹COM名ngvl1哥哥elder brother (includes father's brother's sons who are older than oneself)antegoggeesseesynegogo4
ee1ɰɯ³³COM名npul11牛bovine (including both male and female), bull (specifically)
ee2ɰɯ³³COM副adv(做得)好wellNgaf ggumei ha tvl jjaiq ee nal, ngef seil tvl me gvl.我妹妹很会做饭,可是我就不会做。My little sister can cook very well, but I, on the other hand, can't cook.Ngef seil baba gai me ee yil, baba dal bel ceeq mei jjaifjjaiq me welwe.我擀面擀得不好,所以做出来的粑粑不怎么圆。I do not roll out flatbread well. So, when (I) make flatbread, (it) is not very round.
ee leeqɰɯ³³ ɭɯ²¹COM➡ee ddeeqleeq3动vi犁,耕to plow (i.e. turn up a field)Xi nigvl lee cheepeil loq ee leeq neiq ye.有两个人在这块地里耕田。There are two people plowing in this field.bovine-plowee leeq lo bbei xiCOM名n农民farmer, peasant
ee'eeɰɯ³³ɰɯ³³COM名n牛皮cowhide, leather made from bovine skin
ee'eeqɰɯ³³ɰɯ²¹COM动vi手挽手,搂肩膀to be arm in arm (e.g. for friends to walk with arms around each other)Taf nigvl jjaif seesee bbei ee'eeq bel jji neiq ye.他们俩要好地搂着肩膀走着。Those two are walking arm in arm in an intimate way.
eef'eeɰɯːːː¹³ɰɯ²²COM副adv(做得)最好(done the) best (superlative of "well")
eegoɰɯ³³kø³³COM名npul11青年公牛(多指接近成年的)young bull (usually refers to a bull that is almost grown)
eegossoɰɯ³³kø³³zø³³LQ名npul11小公牛(多指没成年的)young bull (usually refers to a bull that is not grown)releeddiusso