f1¹³COM尾suf(加于某些人称名词或代词末尾,表示多数)(rising tone forms the plural of human nouns and pronouns)ninvqmei -- ninvqmeifCOM名n妇女--妇女们married woman -- married womenseeqzzee -- seeqzzeefCOM名n老师--老师们teacher--teacherssso'qu -- sso'qufCOM名n男人 -- 男人们man -- men
faffɑ¹³COM1动vt分发,下发to issue, to distribute (e.g. wages, books to a class, etc.)jel fafCOM短语phr发工资to pay wages2动vi发(食物因发酵或水浸而膨胀)(for bread dough) to rise
faifa³³COM动vi去(命令式)go (imperative)Cher'ee cheemerq seiseel ddeepeil nee boboq bel fai laq.这药用一张纸包着去吧。Go wrap this bit of medicine in a piece of paper.relbbee 1bbeq11hee1heq1keel4