jachucjɑ³³ʈʂʰu³³TA动vi无中生有,夸大其词,胡编乱造to exaggerate (a situation or matter), to talk nonsense, to make a mountain out of a molehill, to tell a cock-and-bull story
jafcjɑ¹³COM名n家(用于姓氏之后)surname, family namesynsil11
jaicja³³COM动vt讲,说to tell, to talk (about)reljaijai1xi ko jaiCOM短语phr在别人的背后说闲话,谈论别人的事to talk behind sb's back, to gossip, to slander, to complain or grumble about (sb)relgvyuq kuaq qelvqleiq
jai'aiqcja³³ʔa²¹BSHcja³³ʕa²¹TA➡jaiyaiq名n酸菜,腌菜pickled cabbage, Naxi-style sauerkrautjai'aiq zherlCOM短语phr腌制泡菜to pickle vegetables, to make sauerkraut
jaibeecja³³pɯ³³COM名n谈资topic of conversationNge nee ezee sher bbei me gua, xi gge jaibee ssaiqbee dal lei bie sie.不管我做什么,总是成为别人的谈资。It doesn't matter what I do. (I) am always a laughingstock.relssaiqbee
jaijai1cja³³cja³³COM动vt讲,说(重叠表示动作的持续)to tell, to talk (about) (reduplicated verb indicates continuation of action), to talk and talkreljai
jaijulcja³³cy⁵⁵COM动vt谈,说话to talk (about), to discussTaf nigvl jjiqgai loq nee sseidde ddeeni geezheef heq, ezee ddeesher jaijul neiq keel me ddoq.他们俩在房间里说了半天的话,不知道在谈什么事情。Those two have been in that room a long time talking. (I) can't imagine what (they) are talking about.relsaiddoqshel 1zzeeqggue
jal2cjɑ⁵⁵COM动vi降落to land (on; i.e. for a thing that flies to land)Sai'laiq gv bber'lerl dal waq bbei teiq jal ye.桌子上尽是苍蝇。The table is covered with flies which have landed (there).
jal3cjɑ⁵⁵COM动vt架,支起,跷(腿)to put, to lay (sth in a high place), to prop up (e.g. one's feet)reldo3
japvcjɑ³³pʰv̩³³COM名ncai家谱genealogical recordCheecai chee ngaf gge japv waq, ngaf gge epvzzeef gge miqzeel chee ddeehe bbei tei'ee cheecai loq teiq jeldiu meq.这本是我家的家谱,记载着我们家所有祖先的名字。This book is my family's genealogical record. All of my ancestors' names are recorded in this book.