ka1kʰɑ³³COM1形adj(味)苦bitterCher'ee cheesiuq jjaiq ka ye meil.这种药真苦。This type of medicine is very bitter.reljiq11qiq12形adj咸saltysyncei lal 1ceika13动vi生闷气to sulk, to be bitter
kai1kʰa³³COM动vt1咬to biterelkaikaisyncal 12啃,咬,嗑to bite (sth in order to eat it, e.g. an apple), to chew or gnaw (e.g. a bone), to crack or break with the teeth (e.g. sunflower seeds)guazer kaiCOM短语phr嗑瓜子to eat sunflower seedsso'lo kaiCOM短语phr啃骨头to eat or to chew on ribs or other bones
kai2kʰa³³COM1名nkai22垄沟,小渠ditch (between fields), furrow (between rows in a field)antbbu21relke212量cls条(用于沟)for ditches between farm fields, for furrows in a farm field
kai3kʰa³³COM动vt开,办(公司)to start and run (a business)Ngeq Yulleqqiaq kee nee pvlzer ddeepvl teiq kai seiq yil, maiq seil, nge kee ddeekaqkaq xeq lu leif.我在玉龙桥边开了一个店,有时间就来我那儿玩嘛。I've opened a shop by the Yulong Bridge. So, if (you) have time, come and see me sometimes.
kaikaikʰa³³kʰa³³COM动vi互咬to bite one another (e.g. animals to fight)relkai11syncalca 1
kaikaiqkʰa³³kʰa²¹COM动vt换,交换to trade, to exchange (sth with sb), to change (sth for another)Nge nee nee gol gai dal mai zoq yil, elnigvl zzeeqgv ddeezail kaikaiq laq.咱们换一下座位吧,要不然我会挡住你的视线的。I will block your view, so let's trade seats.relgvgaikaiq1
kaikvqkʰa³³kʰv̩²¹TA动vi请满月客,办满月酒to hold a one-month birthday feastsynkaiyuq
kail1kʰa⁵⁵COM1动vt溅,喷to spray, to splash, to splatter2动vt射to shoot, to fire (e.g. an arrow)3动vi照耀to shineNimei kee kail ye.太阳出来了。The sun is shining.nimei kee kailCOM短语phr日出for the sun to rise (at the crack of dawn)
kail2kʰa⁵⁵COM动vt花,花费(含有乱花的意思)to spend (money) freelyJelye ddeedvq teiq guq mei, ddeehei zeiq me bbi meq yil, ngaf sso cheeggv nief seiq bbei kail neiq keel ddaq?给了一千元钱竟然不够一个月花,真不知道我儿子是怎么花钱的。(I) gave (my son) a thousand yuan, but (it) didn't last a month. I wonder what this son of mine is spending (his) money on?
kail3kʰa⁵⁵COM动vt拆(例:墙、房、毛衣等)to knock down, to demolish, to dismantle, to unravel (a sweater to re-knit it)Jji lvq cheejjiq kail pil yil, co sheel ddeeco lei ceel bbee.要把旧房拆了,盖一幢新楼。After demolishing this old house, (we) will build a new building with multiple floors.
kail4kʰa⁵⁵COM动vi(皱的或折起来的)展开,铺开to spread out (a wrinkled or folded item), to unroll (e.g. a scroll)
kail5kʰa⁵⁵COM动vt弹(弦乐器)to play or strum (a stringed instrument)zaiq kailCOM短语phr弹琴to play a zither
kailkai1kʰa⁵⁵kʰa³³COM动vt拆(重叠表示动作的持续)to knock down, to demolish (reduplicated verb indicates continuation of action)
kaiq1kʰa²¹COM动vt换,交换to change (sth for another), to trade, to exchange (sth with sb)Ngafggeeq ddiuq seil, chua me dvq yil, yaiqyul nee chua kaiq zzee neiq.我们那里不种稻子,所以用洋芋来换米吃。Where I'm from, (we) don't grow (i.e. plant) rice. So, (we) trade potatoes to get rice to eat.relgvgaikaikaiq
kaiq2kʰa²¹COM量cls对,付(例:连枷、腊肉等)for a pair of things connected by a string or rope (e.g. a flail, cured meat, etc.)