lailla⁵⁵COM➡lal4助ptcl1吗sentence-final question word; a question is formed by the addition of this word to declarative sentencesHa tvl neiq lail?在做饭吗?Are (you) cooking?2吗,么(used with a negative verb to form a rhetorical question)
lal1lɑ⁵⁵COM动vt1打to hit (general term)relcalca 2diudiu 2dvldv2lallasynheel22(用连枷、打谷机等)打(谷)to thresh (grain or other crops using a flail, a machine or other means)geellee lalCOM短语phr打连枷to flail or to thresh (using a flail)Xi ddeehual geellee nee cailzee lal neiq ye.有一群人在用连枷来打菜籽。A group of people are using flails to thresh rapeseed.3(风)吹(使顶风而行)(for wind) to blow against (sth; e.g. making it difficult to move ahead)Cheeni yi her ddeeq ye meil, ngeq daiche zzai bel mei her nee mail teiq lal yil, jjaiq zzai jjeq ye nee.今天风挺大的。我骑着单车迎着风走真是难骑得很。Today, it was very windy. While riding (my) bike, the wind blew (me) around, so that it was very hard to ride.relbi11tv34中(风)to suffer (i.e. a stroke)her nee lalCOM短语phr中风to have a stroke5打(水)to fetch, to get (water)6打(鱼)to fish (with a net)ni lalCOM短语phr打鱼to fish (with a net)7打(球)to play (a ballgame)8打(牌)to play (cards or mahjong)