ma1mɑ³³COM形adj细,颗粒小fine (e.g. sand as compared to gravel)antcee2seeq6sil3synsil3
ma2mɑ³³COM动vt擦,涂抹to spread on, to smearNeeq yi pamei dal ma, laq gol seil ddeemerq la me ma keel meq, laq che ddaq kuaq chee.你的手这么粗糙,看来(润肤品)你只擦脸,手上一点也不擦。(Your) hands are so chapped that (you) probably don't put any (lotion) on them, but only on your face.relmama
mai1ma³³COM助动auxv得到to attain, to reach (used with another verb to indicate the attainment of the action)Ceiqkvl lei ggv seiq nal, ngeq sher cheesher sseidde teif jeldiu mai melsee.虽然已经过了十年,这件事我还是记得很清楚的。It has already been ten years, but I still very much remember this matter.Hualleiq cheemei ddeekaf rheeq nee fvl ddeemei rheq mai ye.那只猫一会儿就抓到了一只老鼠。This cat caught a rat after a short time.relddee21jji maiCOM短语phr经过,路过to pass by, to pass throughNgeq gaiseelkaq hopeil qiceeq jji mai yil, suillul bbei hopeil ddeemerq lei haiq bel ceeq.我刚才路过菜市场,顺便买了点菜回来。Just now I was passing the vegetable market, so I bought some vegetables on the way.qil maiCOM短语phr受凉to catch a chill, to become chilledseiseiq maiCOM短语phr得感冒to catch a coldNgeq ddeemerq seiseiq mai ye, qil mai zeeggeeq keel nvl, zzee cer zeeggeeq keel me ddoq.我得了感冒,不知是因为着凉还是因为上火。I've caught a bit of a cold. (I) don't know if it is due to getting chilled or eating something 'hot'.
maihailma³³ha⁵⁵COM形adj可怜pitifulLiljai lee liulliu nief jjaiq maihail.地震那时丽江很凄惨。Lijiang was pitiful after the earthquake.maihail zzee me seeCOM短语phr不怜悯,不同情to not take pity on, to not have compassion for (sb)maihail zzeesee2COM短语phr怜悯,同情to take pity on, to have compassion for (sb)
mail1ma⁵⁵COM1后置postp后back, behind (i.e. location), after (i.e. location or time), backwardantgai122形adj下(用于时间)later (time period), next (time period)Ngaf nai mail cheesi'qi seil ngaf goq lei leq zeel.我奶奶说下个星期来我家。My grandma said that (she) is coming to our house next week.mail cheeniCOM名n翌日,第二天,以后某天the next day, at a later datemail cheesoqCOM名n翌日早上the next morning3副adv掉,开(表示除去或离开)away, backmail bbeiCOM叹interj让开get out of the waymail gelpvCOM动vt往后翻to flip or to turn backmail gulCOM动vt丢弃,丢掉to throw away, to discardmail jjiCOM动vi离开、走开to leave or departTee gol chee'loq teiq hiul zherq mei, mail jji bel hee ye.让他站在这里的,结果他离开了。(I) had him stand here, but (he) left.
mail dalma⁵⁵ tɑ⁵⁵COM副adv整(例:天、年等)entire (period of time), all (e.g. year, day, life, etc.)Ngaf sso yi keeko gv jjuq meq yil, ddeekvl mail dal la yagoq ddeezhuail lei me tv.我儿子在远方(工作),一年到头也回不了一趟家。My son is in a distant place (i.e. working), and (he) has not come home for a whole year.ddeecherl mail dalCOM副adv一辈子all one's lifeddeekvl mail dalCOM副adv整年all yearddeeni mail dalCOM副adv整天all daygai nee mail dalCOM副adv从头到尾from beginning to end, from start to finish
mailbbama⁵⁵bɑ³³COM名n1gvl1后父stepfatherrelmailmei 12后夫(就与前夫有孩子的妻子而言)second husband (but only if there are children from the previous marriage)relmailmei 2
mailgguqma⁵⁵ɡu²¹COM副adv1跟(随),跟着(做)(follow) behind, (do sth) similarly (to sb by following their pattern)Ebbamei nee seiq bbei bbei mei, ssiulssiuq la seiq bbei mailgguq soq neiq me.父母亲怎么做,孩子们也会跟着怎么学。Whatever parents do, the children will also learn to do.relgguq222继续continually (doing sth)Cheekaq bbei sei me bbee meq yil, ha zzee pil mailgguq lei bbei laq.看来一时半会儿是干不完了,吃了饭再继续干吧。(We) can't finish now, so let's eat then continue to do it.3后来after, latersynmailnimailgguq cheeniCOM名n翌日,第二天the next day, the following day
mailkeema⁵⁵kʰɯ³³COM名n1后腿rear legmailkee daiqCOM短语phr拖后腿to hold sb back, to hinder2(男性的)儿孙,后代(person's) male offspringrelheldailmailkee peelCOM短语phr断子绝孙(没有后代)to have no son to carry on the family name (for the family line to be cut off)mailkee zhulCOM短语phr传宗接代to have a son to carry on the family name
mailkee peelCOM短语phr断子绝孙(没有后代)to have no son to carry on the family name (for the family line to be cut off)