Naxi - Chinese - English



nanɑ³³COMnai3suf程度(形容词后缀)degree to which an action is attained (used as an adverbializer)Biq shee na bbei ddeecaiq lal pil seil, tafggeeq gol jaiyuf loq teiq derl seiq.狠狠的打了一顿之后,就把他们关在监狱里了。After (they) were practically beaten to death, they were locked in jail.Ngafggeeq nee jai sei na dal ggv melsei, nge zzee ddeegvl nee shel mei…我们刚说完,我的一个朋友说……We had just finished talking when my friend said…Tee la me see na me ggv mei, cheesseeq ezee bbei keel me ddoq, kasheel me jifgef ye.他学习也不算差,可这次不知怎么地,考试没及格。His understanding isn't that bad, yet (I) wonder what happened this time. (He) didn't pass the test.Tee nee waq na bbei ddeekaq jai seil, ngeq leel wecei lei ggee seiq.他讲得那么逼真,我都差点信了。When he speaks as if (it) is real, I almost believe (him).relbiqnaggvnasynzeilnabiq shee naCOM短语phr狠狠(地),猛力(地)to be extremely painful, to hurt like deathbiq shee na bbei ddeecaiq lalCOM短语phr痛打一顿,暴打一顿to give (sb) a harsh or painful thrashing or beatingbiq shee na bbei gatvlCOM短语phr猛使力气,使大力气to fiercely exert a great amount of strength
na rherTAn糯米粑粑fried sticky rice patties
Nadvqnɑ³³tv̩²¹COMDdadvqn农历新年除夕Spring Festival Evereldalniaiq ceeyifJjiqzeil
nafnɑ¹³COMpro1你家,你家的you (includes family), your family's (used by an older person when addressing a younger person or a person of the same age)releneifngaf 1taf 12你(比较客气的称呼)you or your (singular; used by an older person when addressing a younger person or a person of the same age)
naf nigvlnɑ¹³ ȵi³³kv̩⁵⁵COMpro你俩the two of you
nafggeeqnɑ¹³ɡɯ²¹COMpro你们(对下辈或平辈)you (plural; used when addressing a group of younger people or people of the same generation)synnafheneeggeeq
nafhenɑ¹³hɤ³³COMpro你们(对下辈,有尊重的意思)you (plural; older person addressing a group of younger people; implies respect)synnafggeeqneeggeeq
nai1na³³COMvito hide (oneself)relgalga1 2zeel1naigvCOMn藏身处hiding place
nai2na³³COMn祖母,奶奶paternal grandmother一般用在领属结构中。Usually used in a possessive construction.synelnai 1
naigona³³kø³³COMnliu 1火锅hot potsynhogo
nailsina⁵⁵ɕi³³COMadj耐心patient, long-suffering
naiqna²¹COM助动auxv应该,须要should, must (most direct deontic modal verb)relner
naiq'vfna²¹v̩¹³COMnaiq'vq助动auxv想要(做),打算(做)to want to (do), plan to (do)有副词修饰时,副词要放在“naiq”和“vf”之间。When this word is modified by an adverb (e.g. not, very, only, etc.), the adverb is inserted between the syllablesCheeni che ddaq qil chee, bbei ggee naiq'vf keel ye.今天这么冷,可能要下雪。It is so cold today that it might snow (i.e. it seems as if it wants to snow).Ngeq chee nikvl loq nee jelye ddeemerq ggeedda yil, jjiq ddeejjiq haiq naiq'vf.我想在这几年里攒点钱买套房子。I'm thinking (I) would like to put away some money for the next few years to buy a house.Sso cheegvl neif gge mil cheegvl dalda naiq'vf ye.这个男人和这个女人要结婚了。This man and this woman would like to get married.should-considerrelbbeqmi 1
nal1nɑ⁵⁵COMconj但是,不过but, however, although
nal2nɑ⁵⁵COMadj瘦(肉)(of meat) lean, not have much fatCheeni haif ceeq gge shee pil bbeef jjaiq nal ye.今天买的肉倒是挺瘦的。It turns out that the meat which was bought today is very lean.antmaq 2
nal3nɑ⁵⁵COMn1flesh古旧意义。Archaic meaning.synshee22母系亲戚maternal clan (traditional term used to refer to one's mother's relatives)anto1 2syncoqnal3同辈中的姐妹traditional term used to refer to the female children in a familyNaqxi seil o neiq nal shel ddu meq yil, elnigvl yi nal dal waq meq yil, yagof ebbvq ggeessee gge sher gol cacaq bbee me niq seiq.我们纳西讲究骨肉之别,咱们俩只是姐妹(肉),就不要回去干涉娘家兄弟(骨)的事了。Naxi speak of the "bone" and the "flesh". The two of us are "flesh" (i.e. female), so don't go and interfere in the brothers' affairs.Naqxi seil, yagoq xi chee o neiq nal bbei teiq bbiu meq yil, sher jju ddu jju seil, o cheehual juq zzeeqggue ner nal, cheehual juq seil ddee nono neiq seil tal seiq.纳西族人的亲戚分宗族和母系亲戚两种,遇事必须和宗族人商量,但对母系亲族则告知即可。Naxi clans are divided into the "bone" (males) and the "flesh" (females). When there is an important matter, the males must discuss it, the females are content to just be told what is decided.anto1 3
nal4nɑ⁵⁵COMvtto sew with long stitchesguishee nalCOM短语phr绗碎布片坎肩to sew together a patchwork vestye'eel nalCOM短语phr绗羊毛毡披肩to sew a Naxi woman's quilted cape with long stitches
naq1nɑ²¹COMadj1黑,黑色blackantperq12暗(色),深(色)dark (e.g. corn leaves that are dark green in comparison to corn leaves that are yellow)3黑着脸,拉着脸dark (expression; e.g. an upset or mad look)4dirtysynniel1
naq2nɑ²¹COM1n大的木材timber, large board, beam2cls根(用于木材)for large pieces of lumber
naqddul naqddulnɑ²¹du⁵⁵ nɑ²¹du⁵⁵TAadjnaqlul naqlul
naq'eenɑ²¹ɰɯ³³COMnpul1 1黄牛cattle used for work (e.g. ox)
naqfvlnɑ²¹fv̩⁵⁵COMadj黑暗,天黑dark (i.e. lacking light)有副词修饰时,副词要放在“naq”和“fvl”之间。When this word is modified by an adverb (e.g. not, very, only, etc.), the adverb is inserted between the syllablesMeecee seil huq sherq yil, naqfvl chuq.冬季夜长昼短,所以天黑得快。In the winter, the nights are long, so it gets dark early.antbbu1 2naqfvl jjiqCOMn地牢dungeon