o1ʔø³³COM➡a11骨,骨干bone, shaft of a long bone古旧意义。Archaic meaning.synso'lo2父系宗族paternal clan (traditional term used to refer to one's father's relatives)Naqxi chee ebba gge ebbvq ggeessee cheehu gol seil o bbei liuq, emei juq gge yagoq xi gol seil nal bbei liuq. Coq'o shel la che bbei ceeq mei seiq.纳西人把父系宗族看成是骨,把母系亲属看成是肉,“家族”(父系)这个词就是这么来的。Naxi consider the father's side of the family to be the "bone". The mother's side is considered the "flesh". This is where the term "paternal clan" comes from.antnal3 2syncoq'o 13同辈中的兄弟traditional term used to refer to the male children of one generation in a familyNaqxi o bbiu ddu. O bbiu chee ebbvq ggeessee xiddeeq bie pil seil, ddeejjef goq me zzeeq bbei mail bbiubbiu yil, wuha wuzzee, wujjiq wubbei shel neiq mei seiq.纳西人兴分家,分家就是兄弟成家以后就分开,各过各的日子。Naxi have the custom of "dividing the bone" (i.e. dividing households). "Dividing the bone" means that when brothers get married (they) no longer live together. (After they) split, each of them takes care of (their own) household affairs.antnal3 3o bbiuCOM分家to divide a household (when the sons marry)