qel1cʰjɤ⁵⁵COM动vt贴to glue, to stickNgaf jjikee seil yeqbeiq la duilzer qel ddu, jjiq ceel la duilzer qel ddu, xi shee neif jifhui sher bail la duilzer qel ddu.我们家乡春节要贴对联,竖房子、办丧礼和婚礼都要贴对联。In my hometown, (we) glue up couplets for Spring Festival. (We) glue up couplets for a house raising. (We) also glue up couplets for funerals and weddings.gvyuq kuaq qelCOM短语phr作假见证(字面意思:粘贴邪恶的石膏)to bear false witness (lit: to glue on evil plaster)relvqleiqxi ko jai
qelqecʰjɤ⁵⁵cʰjɤ³³COMtɕʰɤ⁵⁵tɕʰɤ³³DYZ➡qel2形adj合适,合身suitable, correct (fitting; e.g. clothes)Bba'laq chee'lvl nee gol jjaiq qelqe meil.这件衣服你穿着很合身。This shirt fits you well.
qer1tɕʰɚ³³DYZcʰjɚ³³LQ动vt1折断to break short (a section of a relatively long thin object; e.g. a broom handle, stick, etc.)relpeel22peelpee12掰(玉米),收(包谷)to harvest (corn) by breaking (the ears) offkaqzzei qerCOM短语phr收包谷to harvest corn
qer2tɕʰɚ³³DYZcʰjɚ³³LQ名n1ba5粪,屎feces, dung, poop, excrementrelheibiqqerqer leelCOM短语phr解大便to defecate, to have a bowel movementqer sailCOM短语phr拉肚子to have diarrhea, to have dysentery2肥料manure, organic fertilizerqer pilCOM短语phr把圈肥倒(在田里)to haul manure out (to farm fields)qerjjiqCOM名n粪水watery manure spread on gardens
qertiucʰjɚ³³tʰy³³COM量mw1(半)截chunk (of wood), section (of a log)Qerbif chee'liu leel ddee'qertiu dal lei hal ye.这支铅笔都只剩下一小截了。This pencil only has a stub left.2(一)小段(话)for an incomplete string of speechGeezheeq nee ddee'qertiu ddee'qertiu geezheeq me to, ezee shel bbee mei ddaiq zeel shel.这么说话别半截儿半截儿地,想说什么就赶紧说。If (you) want to say something, don't keep stuttering (it) out in incomplete phrases. Just say what (you) want to say immediately.
qi1tɕʰi³³DYZcʰi³³LQ动vt1卖to sell2出卖(祖国、亲友等)to betray (one's country or friend, etc.)