ree1ʐʅ³³COM名n酒alcoholic beverage (e.g. wine, beer, liquor, etc.)synaijiqree belCOM短语phr订婚to be engaged (to be married; lit: to give alcohol)ree bvlCOM短语phr酿酒to brew liquor, to distill alcoholree goqCOM短语phr喝醉to be drunkree nvCOM动vi发酒疯to act crazy because of drunkenness
ree2ʐʅ³³TA动vt忍让to forbear, to conciliateEbbvq ggeessee chee nigvl ddeemerq calca ser, ddeegvl nee ddeegvl gai ddeemerq la me ree.这两个兄弟喜欢争吵,一点都不肯相让。Those two brothers really bicker a lot, and (neither) one will exercise restraint with the other.
ree3ʐʅ³³COM1名n路,道road, way, pathsynsseeggv2量cls道,条(用于裂纹、条状疤痕等)for cracks or fissuresMeecee qil rua yil, laq jjaif niree teiq baiqggee sie.因为冬天太冷,手都裂(开)了好几道。Winter is extremely cold, so (my) hands have cracked terribly.
reedderʐʅ³³ɖɚ³³COM动vi迷路to become lost, to lose one's way
reefherqʐʅ¹³hɚ²¹LQ➡reeqhaiq名nmei2青蛇poisonous green snake (possibly the Yunnan bamboo pit viper)
reegeqʐʅ³³kɤ²¹DYZ名n1liu 1酒缸crock used to hold liquor2酒鬼alcoholic, drunkard
reeqmeeʐʅ²¹mɯ³³COM名n线缝,接缝seam (i.e. a line of stitches)
reeqqilʐʅ²¹cʰi⁵⁵COM形adj生气,愤怒angry, irate, indignantCheeni nge dafbo loq gge jelye he bbei xikv nee kvf hee yil, ngeq reeqqil shee lei heq.今天我兜里的钱都被小偷偷走了,我真是气死了。I am so angry. Today a thief stole all the money in my pocket.synmeheeq 1midee
rer1ʐɚ³³COM1动vt怕、畏惧to be afraid of, to fear“gai”一般跟随害怕的宾语。The word “gai” usually follows the object which is fearedNgeq seil reeq gai nee rer seiq, shee gge neif seeq gge me gua rer.我最怕蛇了,不管是死的活的都怕。Whether (they) are alive or dead, it doesn't matter. I'm afraid of snakes.2动vi恐惧to be afraid or frightened (in a general sense)
rer2ʐɚ³³COM动vi挪动to move, to shift (a little to a new location)relrerrer