Saiddo名n三朵(一个神被认为是纳西族的保护者)Sanduo (a god who is considered the protector of the Naxi people)
saiddoqsa³³dø²¹COM动vi谈话,商量,聊天to chat, to visit, to talk (e.g. for old people to sit around and talk)"Naqxi saiddoq yiq" shel meq nal, ngafggeeq cheehual yi bbeqceeni ddoddoq la teif jai sei me tal gge ddeebeil jai zo jju ye melsee.俗话说:“纳西人爱聊天。”我们这些人天天见面也还是有聊不完的话。It is said, "Naxi enjoy talking." Well, there is a group of us who see (each other) every day, yet (we) never run out of things to talk about.reljaijulshel 1zzeeqgguesynzzeeqggue
saikosa³³kʰø³³COM名n柱础石stone which house pillars are placed on
sailsa⁵⁵COM动vi下泻,腹泻(for feces) to flow freely, to have diarrheaNgeq ezee ddeesiuq zzee me hof keel me ddoq, cheeni ddeeni qer sail seiq.我今天拉了一天肚子,不知道吃错了什么东西。(I) don't know what I ate, but (I) have had diarrhea all day today.lei piul lei sailCOM短语phr上吐下泻to vomit and to have diarrheaqer sailCOM短语phr拉肚子to have diarrhea, to have dysentery
sai'laiqsa³³la²¹COM名nzhuq 1桌、椅、凳、几、案等的总称flat free-standing surface with legs, including chairs, benches, tables, desks, etc.relbaideilkalyizeezof 1hazzee sai'laiqCOM名n餐桌dining tablezzeeqgv sai'laiqCOM名n椅子,凳子chair, bench, stool
sailfvlsa⁵⁵fv̩⁵⁵COM1动vt道谢,致谢to give thanks, to express gratitudeSher cheesher chee bbei gol xi nee baba yel zeeggeeq nee bbei tv meq yil, ddeehual gol bbei ggvna sailfvl bbee naiq.这事是全靠乡亲们帮忙才办成的,你要好好谢谢大家。This matter was completed successfully because the people from our village helped. So, (you) must go sincerely thank all of them.2动vi致歉,谢罪to seek forgiveness (over a significant matter), to apologizeSso nee xi lal pil seil, ebbamei nee xi goq lei sailfvl bbee ner ye.儿子打了人,还得由父母出面到人家家里去道歉。After the boy hit some other (kids), (his) parents had to go to their homes to apologize.
saimeisa³³me³³COMsa³³me³³TA➡shailmei名n农历七月seventh month of the lunar calendar
Saimei Bojjilsa³³me³³ pø³³ɟi⁵⁵COM名n中元节(俗称鬼节)Festival of the Dead Spirits (commonly called: Ghost Festival)Saimei Bojjil chee bozee, bojjil, bobvl seeqni waq.七月中元节有接祖、祭祖、送祖三天。The Festival of the Dead Spirits is comprised of three (festival) days: Welcoming the Ancestors, Offering to the Ancestors and Seeing Off the Departing Ancestors.relboSaimeizersynSaimeizer