ta1tʰɑ³³COM动vt描,拓to trace, to copy, to make a rubbing from (inscriptions, pictures, etc. on stone tablets)
ta2tʰɑ³³COM动vt凑近to draw close (to examine or hear sth), to hold up (to the face to see)Tafggeeq heiko gai teiq ta mei nge ko jai neiq ye.他们交头接耳地议论我。They draw close (together to whisper) gossip about me.
taftʰɑ¹³COM代pro1他家,他家的,他们,他们家的they (includes family), his/her family's, their family'sreleneifnaf 1ngaf 12他(的)third singular (can be possessive)syntee1
tafhetʰɑ¹³hɤ³³COM代pro他们they, them (third person plural; honorific)syntafggeeqteeggeeq
tai1tʰa³³COM动vt戴(帽子)to wear (a hat), to put on (a hat)Gumuq hiuq gge ddee'liu teiq tai cheegvl chee eneiq waq shel?戴着一顶红帽子的那个人是谁呀?Who is that guy wearing a red hat?relgeel1hai11hail1muq1tal3zal1zzeeq4
Tailngaitʰa⁵⁵ŋa³³COM名n太安乡,太安村Tai'an Township; Tai'an Village
tailtaitʰa⁵⁵tʰa³³COM1动vi互撞to run together, to mutually collide (reduplicated verb indicates mutual action)这个动词只可以跟复数主语一起用。This verb requires a plural subject.ee tailtaiCOM短语phr斗牛for bulls to fight2动vt对抗,反对,互相抵触to oppose, to be against, to conflict with (sth or sb; can also have the sense of mutual action)reldobei 2synfaiduilzozoq
taiqwultʰa²¹wu⁵⁵COM名ngai3堂屋central room, main room of a three room house
tal1tʰɑ⁵⁵COM1助动auxv好,可以(表示许可)may, fine, can; expresses permissionTei'ee bbei sei pil seil, ggaihee bbee tal seiq.做完作业后,就可以去玩了。After (you) finish (your) homework, then (you) can go play.2助动auxv表示能够,可以might, can, able; expresses possibilityNgafggeeq jjuperq sseidde gge ddeehol aiq dvq yil, zzee sei me tal.我们种了很大一畦白菜,肯定是吃不完的。We planted such a big plot of bokchoy, so (we) won't be able to eat (it) all.relgvl2loq23叹interj可以(了)OK4形adj好,不错good, fine, impressiveNee nee shel mei xi cheegvl seiq waq lei? Jjaif tal ddeegvl waq me.你说这个人怎么样?挺不错的。What do you think of that guy? (He's) an impressive guy.relbie41tei'ee talCOM短语phr学习好to have studied well, to be a good studentTaf zzei'ee cheegvl tei'ee jjaiq tal zeel.听说他的侄子学习成绩很好。It is said that his nephew has done very well in (his) studies.xirua xitalCOM短语phr能干的人capable and intelligent people
tal3tʰɑ⁵⁵COM动vt戴(例:手套)to wear, to put on (gloves)Cheeni yi qil nee, shetal gai teiq tal laq.今天可冷得很,戴上手套吧。Today is cold, so wear gloves.relgeel1hai11hail1muq1tai1zal1zzeeq4
Talbiuqtʰɑ⁵⁵py²¹COM名n纳西族夏季的祭祖节,一般是农历六月初一开始的两个星期,每家选不同的日子祭拜祖先并宴客Naxi summer festival for honoring ancestors, observed for two weeks starting the first day of the sixth lunar month, celebrated on different days according to clan, each clan worships their ancestors and hosts a meal of family and close friendsrelbiuq3Ceebiuq
talrheeqtʰɑ⁵⁵ɖʐʅ²¹COMtʰɑ⁵⁵ɖʐʅ²¹BD➡bbaitalrheeq名nliu 1柿子persimmonceel qer talrheeqCOM名n小柿子(又名黑枣、软枣)date-plum persimmon (a small black jujube)
taltaltʰɑ⁵⁵tʰɑ⁵⁵COM形adj最锋利extremely sharp, sharp as can bereltal2
talzhultʰɑ⁵⁵ʈʂu⁵⁵COM动vt套种to inter-plant (i.e. to plant more than one type of crop in one field at the same time)