wa1wɑ³³COM名npeil1瓦baked roof tileWa gal cheekaq, sheefwa me gal seil, wa yiyiq gvl.屋顶盖瓦时,如果不用水泥和石灰糊起来,就会漏。When (you) are roofing with tiles and don't cement them in place with lime, the roof might leak.
wa2wɑ³³COM数num五five当后接的音节为底调或升调时发中调“wa”;当后接的音节为高调时发高调“wal”,同时后接的音节变为中调;其他情况发高调“wal”。Pronounced with a high tone when followed by a word with a high or mid tone, causing the high tone word to change to mid tone.
wa3wɑ³³COM叹interj哇(表示惊讶或钦佩)wow (expresses surprise or amazement)
walwɑ⁵⁵COM代pro你(对同辈的尊称)you (singular; relatively polite; used with a person of the same generation)synwu1walddiCOM名n令尊your father (an honorary term, used to refer to sb else's father)
walmeiwɑ⁵⁵me³³COM名n农历五月fifth month of the lunar calendar