xalgumuqçjɑ⁵⁵ku³³mu²¹LQ名nliu 1孝帽white turban (worn by younger immediate relatives of a deceased person)synxal
xalkedaqçjɑ⁵⁵kʰɤ³³tɑ²¹COM名nhuq1孝布围腰white apron worn in mourning
xelçjɤ⁵⁵COM1动vi贴to stick to, to hold (in a particular position because of glue or similar substance)Herq yeq cheekaq, herq nee nilmerq gv xel mai yil, jjaiq ssaiqbbvq ye.刷墙的时候,鼻子上粘了一点石灰,真好笑。It is very funny when (someone) is plastering a wall and a little whitewash plaster gets stuck on (their) nose.heiko mail teiq xel bbei komiCOM短语phr竖起耳朵听to listen attentively (lit: for one's ears to be glued back to listen)2动vt抹to apply (sticky substance to sth)Jailzzer teiq xel pil seil, duilzer mailgguq teiq qel.抹上面糊之后,贴上对联。After applying paste to it, glue the couplet up.relyeq2
xeqɕɤ²¹DYZçjɤ²¹LQhjɤ²¹WH动vi1休息,闲to rest, to take a breakrelxexeqsynsheesheeq2gaq xeqCOM动vi(劳累以后)休息to rest (after doing physical activity) because of fatigue2停(用于风、雨、雪等天气现象)to stop (used with weather phenomena: rain, snow, wind, etc.)Gaiseelkaq heeq che dde ddeeq bbei ggee neiq mei, cheekaq nee lei xeq ye weq. Nimei leel meeqdiul leif ceeq ye weq.刚刚还下着那么大的雨,一会儿工夫就停了,太阳都又出来了。A moment ago, it was raining so hard, but then suddenly it stopped. (Now) the sun is already back out.synhei31me xeqCOM副adv常常,不断without ceasing, always, oftenBbei gol xi nee shel elnai cheegvl jjaif maihail yil, me xeq bbei tee gol zzee ggvzzeiq ddeemaiq yel neiq.The villagers think this grandma is pitiable, so (they) are always giving her things to eat.
xexeqɕɤ³³ɕɤ²¹DYZçjɤ³³çjɤ²¹LQ动vi休息,闲坐to rest, to take a break (usually expressing a continued state)Chuq zzee pil seil, ngaf ddeejjiq bbei guaqpul nee jaijul xexeq ser.晚饭后,我们全家喜欢坐在厨房里闲谈。After eating supper, our whole family likes to sit in the kitchen and chat.relxeq 1
xiddeefçi³³ɖɯ¹³COM名n大人,成人adults (used in comparison to children)
xiddeeqçi³³ɖɯ²¹COM名n已成家的人married personNgaf chee ngaf bba cheecherl seil, nge dal nee ddeeq seiq. Nal tee xiddeeq bie hoq yil, ngeggeeq cheecherl seil, nge nee ebbvqdal lei bie sie.我们家在我父亲这一代,我大伯最大。但因为他成家晚,所以到我们这一辈,我就成了老大。In my father's generation, my uncle is the oldest. But he married late, so in my generation I am the oldest.person-big
xiguaçi³³kwɑ³³COM➡gua1名n骗子trickster, cheater, swindlersynxiguaxu2动vt骗,撒谎to trick (sb in fun or in malice), to cheat (sb), to lie, to swindlereljujuq 1xijuq