yaihefja³³hɤ¹³COM形adj贪心insatiable, greedyDdiuq loq xiyuq chee, yeqmeil yaihef mei yeqmeil me ggeq ddu meq. Yil, yaihef rua gge xi nee zaq bbei xiyuq bbee chee jjaiq jjeq meq.人生在世,往往越贪心就越不满足。所以太贪心的人,总是很难找到快乐。Living in this world (is like this): the more greedy (one) is, the more dissatisfied (one) is. Therefore, very greedy people are those that have the hardest time living happy lives.synni ggef see
yailja⁵⁵COM➡ail2动vi蜇(某些物质刺激皮肤或黏膜使发生微痛)(for the eyes, nose or skin) to sting or to be irritated (from contact with certain substances)Co herl seil, mieq yail gvl.切葱时会冲眼睛。If (you) cut onions, (your) eyes will sting.
yaiqbeilja²¹pe⁵⁵COM名n油饼(榨植物油剩的渣,也叫枯饼或油枯)crushed rapeseed after oil has been pressed outCailzee'liu nee yaiq nerl, meeqdiul nerl bel ceeq gge jjif seil, yaiq bbei shel, peil cheef seil yaiqbeil bbei shel.用菜籽榨油,榨出来的液体是油,剩下的渣滓叫油饼(也叫枯饼或油枯)。When pressing rapeseed, the liquid that is pressed out is oil, and the seed-cake is called oil-dregs.relbeil2maqbeil