zafzaqtsɑ¹³tsɑ²¹COM形adj高高兴兴extremely happy (usually used when describing a process)
zahu1tsɑ³³hu³³COM动vt1照顾to take care of, to look afterNgaf nai cheenihal ddeemerq jerqjer ye yil, ngeq ngaf nai lei zahu bbee ner.这段时间我奶奶身体虚弱,我得回去照顾她。Lately, my grandma has been a little feeble, so I need to go look after her.synliuq132接待,招呼to receive, to welcome (guests)Cheeni ngeq bber zzeeq keel seil, chermei sheel meel'ee sheel nigvl bbei kukeel teiq hiul bbei bber zahu neiq ye.今天我去做客,到那儿的时后,新娘新郎正站在门口迎接客人。Today when I went as a guest (to a wedding), the bride and groom were standing together at the main gate welcoming the guests.
zahu2tsɑ³³hu³³COM动vt使(动物)交配to mate, to breed (i.e. animals)Ngaf bba biaseef taf goq bbuqmei zahu heq.我爸去表叔家给母猪配种了。My dad took (his) sow over to my dad's cousin's house to have her bred.synpeil2peilzhu
zai1tsa³³COM动vt节制,使定时定量,使适度to moderate (an amount of time, work, etc. in order to control the amount), to set (times or amounts)
zail1tsa⁵⁵COM动vt放,置to put, to place, to set, to stand, to lay (an object on sth)Ggvzzeiq yuq bel yil, sai'laiq gv teiq zail laq.把东西拿到桌子上放着吧。Bring that thing and put (it) down on that table.relkeel11keelkee 1zailzai 1synji1
zail2tsa⁵⁵COM助动auxvessentially the past perfect marker用于肯定时,与“teiq”一起使用。When this word is used in the positive, it is used with “teiq”Xi nee jjeq teiq zail mei, neeggeeq nee lei she mai ye.别人已经辛苦了,(但)你们收获了。Others had already labored, (but) you gathered the harvest.
zail3tsa⁵⁵COM动vt(植物)嫁接to graft (a plant with a piece from another plant)zzerq zailCOM助ptcl树木嫁接to graft trees
zail4tsa⁵⁵COM➡ziail2量mw次,下brief occurrence of (an event, often used with requests)Cheeni ngaf gol lo bbei ddeezail lollo yel meif.今天帮我们家干一下活吧。(有换工的意思)Would (you) please return the favor of working for us today?relbee11ciail1sseeq1synciail1
zailzaitsa⁵⁵tsa³³COM动vt1放,置(重叠表示动作的持续)to lay, to put, to place (an object on sth else; reduplicated verb indicates continuation of action)relkeel11keelkee 1zail12(事情或工作)堆积(for things) to pile up (at work; i.e. to have too many jobs to do at once)
zaiqtsa²¹COM名nba31琴、筝zither (a stringed instrument)zaiq kailCOM短语phr弹琴to play a zither
zaizaitsa³³tsa³³COM动vt掌握,掌管,把持to control, to manage, to have in hand
zal1tsɑ⁵⁵COM动vt戴(在脸上,例:眼镜、口罩、笼嘴等)to wear (on the face; e.g. glasses, surgical mask, (animal) muzzle, etc.)Xi cheegvl yaijil naqlul naqlul gge ddee'fvl teiq zal ye.这人戴着一副黑黑的墨镜。That guy is wearing a pair of pitch-black glasses.relgeel1hai11hail1muq1tai1tal3zzeeq4
zal2tsɑ⁵⁵COM动vt划(船)to row, to paddle, to scull (a boat)leeq zal zoCOM名n划桨a paddle or oar
zal3tsɑ⁵⁵COM动vt耙,搂to rake up (e.g. leaves)reljerq32tozal zalBSH短语phr耙松毛to rake up pine needles
zal4tsɑ⁵⁵COM动vt做(窝),筑(巢)(for a bird) to build (a nest)
zaq1tsɑ²¹COM1形adj幸福,高兴happy, joyfulsyncherqnvlmei zaqCOM短语phr心境愉快happy or joyful heart2形adj方便good (e.g. a good situation, etc.), convenientBbeqceeni bbei heeq ggee yil, lo bbei jjaiq me zaq ye.天天都下雨,干活真是不方便。It rains every day, so working is really inconvenient.3形adj好(玩),好(看)等good, pleasant (verbal complement that makes a transitive verb intransitive)Eni ggaihee zaq.昨天很好玩。Yesterday was fun (i.e. played well).Ngeq ehuq yil zaq.昨晚我睡得很好。I slept well last night.liuq zaqCOM形adj好看enjoyable to watch or readDiailyi cheedial jjaiq liuq zaq ye meil.这部电影真好看。That movie was very enjoyable to watch.4动vi庆祝to celebrateKaisi dalxuerf bifnif seiq yil, elggeeq ddeehual bbei zaq lu laq.凯熙大学毕业了,我们大家一起来庆祝吧。Keith has graduated from university, so come and celebrate with us.