Naxi - Chinese - English



rheqɖʐɤ²¹TAdʑɤ²¹LQdzɤ²¹ZXvt1捉,抓to catch, to captureNgaf nigvl nee fvl ddeexi lulcerq mei rheq mai seiq.我们俩抓到一百四十只老鼠。The two of us have caught a hundred and forty rats.antderl1keel22抓(动物幼崽)to collect, to get (an animal to take away)Ngaf keenisso ddeeseel teiq see ye yil, naf ddeemei rheq el bbee lei?我们家的狗生了一窝小狗,你家要不要来抓一只?We had a litter of pups. Do you want to come get one?3拿,取to take, to bring (an object or a person under one's force)synyuq14to touch, to handlereldal9didimomorhe'rheqshu1shushu
rher1ɖʐɚ³³COMrhuer1adj湿wet (general term)antbvq1reloq22nbbaq2dew
rher2ɖʐɚ³³COMvi游泳to swimNgeq cheenihal dal jjiq rher gvl meq yil, jjiq hol chee'loq yi rher bbee me bbiu meil.我最近刚刚才学会游泳,水深的地方可不敢去游。I've just learned how to swim recently, so (I) don't dare swim where it is deep.jjiq rherCOM短语phr游泳to swim in water
rher3ɖʐɚ³³COMɳɖʐɚ³³OLDvt煎,炸to fry in deep oil, to deep-fat-fryrelchu1dal2hiu1
rher4ɖʐɚ³³COMvi(唠唠叨叨地)说(无意义的或使人厌烦的话)to chatter nonsense that people are disgusted byKvlpai jil mei zzerq ggvq tvl ggef yil, ddeeni bbei rher me naiq.别整天唠叨了,这样只会招年轻人烦。Don't chatter nonsense all day long. (You'll) irritate the young people (e.g. said by one old person to another).nvrher ggoqrher2COM短语phr说话不着边际to talk in a rambling and pointless way
rhe'rheqɖʐɤ³³ɖʐɤ²¹COMvtto touch, to handlereldal9didimomorheqshu1shushu
rhernvqɖʐɚ³³nv̩²¹TA1n有腥膻味的肉或奶制品food with a strong gamey odor and flavor (e.g. mutton, beef, milk, cheese, etc.)Ngaf nai seil rhernvq shee ddeemerq la zzee me gvl.我奶奶一点都不会吃腥膻的肉。My grandmother cannot eat even a little bit of gamey flavored meat.2adj腥膻(牛、羊等动物的肉和奶制品的味道)gamey, describes the strong odor and flavor of certain meat and dairy products (e.g. mutton, beef, cheese, etc.)ni rhernvqCOMadj腥气(鱼)fishy-smellingGuaqpul nee ni kol keel ye yil, sseidde bbei ni rhernvq ye.It is so fishy-smelling in the kitchen that (someone) must have cleaned some fish.
rherq1ɖʐɚ²¹COMɳɖʐɚ²¹OLDvi1吃惊,惊吓to be startled, to be shockedrherq chuCOMvi容易受惊to be easily startled or frightened2惊讶to be astonished, to be amazed
rherq2ɖʐɚ²¹COMvi(冰、雪等)融化to melt (i.e. frozen things)anthal6
rherrherɖʐɚ³³ɖʐɚ³³TAvt出声,说话to utter (a sound), to speakThis word is usually used in the negative.一般用于否定式。
rhu1ɖʐu³³COMdzu³³LQptcl为,替on account of, in the interest of, for, in place of (marks the one the action is done in place of)Cheeni ngaf bba me maiq yil, nge nee tee rhu bbei ceeq seiq.今天我爸爸没时间,我就替他来了。My father was not able to make it (i.e. didn't have time), so I've come in his place.synzzee3
rhu2ɖʐu³³COMndebt (not necessarily money)relai1rhu aiCOM短语phr欠债to owe a debt (of sth)
rhu3ɖʐu³³COMdzu³³LQn投石器sling, slingshot (i.e. a long strap wrapped around the wrist used for hurling a stone)
rhuaɖʐwɑ³³COMɳɖʐwɑ³³OLDvt狠打,重击to ruthlessly or viciously hit
rhualɖʐwɑ⁵⁵COMɳɖʐwɑ⁵⁵OLDvt赶超to overtake (another traveler), to catch up and passChezee kai ddeemerq nvlmei zeiq naiq. Xi gol gai rhual bbee dal seeddv me niq. Sher chee chee gol nee dal ceeq meq, neeq el see lei?开车小心点,别总想超车,事故都是这样来的你知道吗?While driving a car, (you) must be careful. Don't always try to pass other people. This is a common cause of accidents. Did you know that?syncerl1
rhuaqɖʐwɑ²¹COMɳɖʐwɑ²¹OLDvtto argue, to quarrel (with sb about sth), to disputerelggeggeq3rhuarhuaqyiwu
rhuarhuaqɖʐwɑ³³ɖʐwɑ²¹COMɳɖʐwɑ³³ɳɖʐwɑ²¹OLDvt争吵,争拗(重叠表示互相的意思)to argue, to quarrel (with sb about sth), to dispute (reduplicated verb indicates mutual action)Ssiulssiuq chee nigvl ddeeni bbei ggvzzeiq rhuarhuaq ser.这两个孩子总喜欢争东西。These two kids bicker and argue over things all day long.Taf nigvl mei ezee ddeesher gol nee rhuarhuaq tv keel me ddoq, bbeeq nizziuq me geezheeq see nee, lallaf ceeq ye.不知道他们是为了争什么,没说几句话就打起来了。(I) don't know what those two are arguing about, but after exchanging very few words (they) began to fist-fight.relggeggeq3rhuaqyiwusynkakayiwu
rhubbeeqɖʐu³³bɯ²¹COMvi(衣物缝口)开线to split, to burst (a seam), to come apart (at the seam)Ngeq bba'laq chee'lvl haiq bel ceeq jjaiq nihal me ggv see nee, laqgol mail rhubbeeq ceeq ye.我这件衣服买来还没多久,掖下就开线了。I bought this shirt, and just a few days later the seam on the armpit split open.
rhuq1ɖʐu²¹BDɖʐu²¹TAdzu²¹LQvi1(for things) to fall or to dropBif meeq teiq rhuq heq.笔掉在地上了。The pen dropped (to the floor).relrhurhuq2(头发)掉落(for hair) to fall out, (for fur) to shed3应验to fulfill (sth previously said), to come trueTee nee cheeni heeq ggee zoq shel mei, eseel bbei tee gge geezheeq loq rhuq ye, heeq ggeef ceeq ye nee.他说今天会下雨,还真是被他说中了,下起雨来了。He said it would rain today, and his words actually came true. It rained.
rhurhuqɖʐu³³ɖʐu²¹COMvi掉(重叠表示动作的反复)(for things) to fall or to drop (reduplicated verb indicates repeated action)relrhuq1