maiq1ma²¹COMvi1有时间(做某事),来得及(做某事)to have time to (used to indicate there is time to do an action)Cheeni ngaf bba me maiq yil, nge nee tee rhu bbei ceeq seiq.今天我爸爸没时间,我就替他来了。My father was not able to make it (i.e. didn't have time), so I've come in his place.Ngeq kvlderl ddeekaqsso dal maiq me.我只有傍晚的时候才有一点空。I only have a little time at dusk (when I can do it).Yagoq jigaiq seil, meekvl meeseel cheekaq dal ee ssee shuq maiq meq.家里忙的时候,就只能利用早晚的时间找点牛草了。If things are busy at home, there is only time in the morning and evening to look for grass for the cows.2赶上,跟上to catch uprelmaimaiqmailgguq maiqCOM短语phr紧跟,跟上to keep up or in step with, to follow closelyxi gguq me maiqCOM短语phr落于人后,跟不上to be out of step with, to be unable to keep up with others