sailfvlsa⁵⁵fv̩⁵⁵COM1vt道谢,致谢to give thanks, to express gratitudeSher cheesher chee bbei gol xi nee baba yel zeeggeeq nee bbei tv meq yil, ddeehual gol bbei ggvna sailfvl bbee naiq.这事是全靠乡亲们帮忙才办成的,你要好好谢谢大家。This matter was completed successfully because the people from our village helped. So, (you) must go sincerely thank all of them.2vi致歉,谢罪to seek forgiveness (over a significant matter), to apologizeSso nee xi lal pil seil, ebbamei nee xi goq lei sailfvl bbee ner ye.儿子打了人,还得由父母出面到人家家里去道歉。After the boy hit some other (kids), (his) parents had to go to their homes to apologize.