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ɨ̃aɨ̃a õasp. var.õavtimitate, as imitate the sound of the animalsimitar, como imitar o som dos animais1.6.4Animal actions
ɨ̃hɨ it wasn't for..não fosse..
ɨ̃karemthoknanaconda snakeucurí, serpente
ɨ̃kɨɨ̃kɨ̃ivcry, to crychorarɨrɨtai ɨ̃kɨ-ɨthe child is cryingantkahĩkara3.5.6.5Cry, tear
ɨ̃kɨh paroav die of cryingmorrer de chorar2.6.6Die
ɨ̃kɨɨsp. var. ofɨ̃kɨnMoved from Lexeme Form field
ɨ̃kɨkaɨɨ̃kɨ̃-ka-ɨcfthẽriɨ̃kɨkaɨyõoraɨvtsmelling, to smell something, sniffcheirando, cheirar algopa thën ɨ̃kɨkaɨhe's smelling something
ɨ̃kɨmaɨkɨmavtmake cryfazer chorar3.5.6.5Cry, tear
ɨ̃kɨnɨ̃kɨ̃n, ɨ̃kɨ̃-ɨ̃sp. var.ɨ̃kɨɨc-pr.cryingchorando3.5.6.5Cry, tear
ɨ̃maro1ɨ̃-mãrõnbone without fleshosso sem carne, limpo
ɨ̃maro2ɨ̃inal. nounboneossopiri ɨ̃ mãrothe clean bone (meatless)
ɨ̃nahaũnãhãthat is / this oneIsto é / este
ɨ̃opopraCheck for Yãnamvttwist a bone of foottorcer o osso do pétxa-ɨ̃ opopraɨtwist the foot (tibia)
ɨ̃ra ?advmessy, troublebagunça
ɨ̃rɨhɨnëfleefugir (?)
ɨ̃taɨɨ̃tɨ̃-ɨ, ɨ̃të-ɨivgetting fat, to be getting fatengordar
ɨ̃tak parɨkɨ̃tãk-parɨk, ɨ̃thãk-parɨkəinal. nounpalm of handspalma das mãos
ɨ̃tha hɨpɨ rareweiɨ̃thã hɨpɨ rareweiact-nomtaking by the handtomar pela mão
ɨ̃thakparɨkɨ̃thãk-parɨkinal. nounpalm of handspalma das mãos
ɨ̃tɨɨ̃tɨ̃, ɨ̃tə̃inal. nounfat, greasegordura
ɨ̃tɨpëɨ̃t-ɨpənoil, liquid fatgordura liquida, azeite
ɨ̃xɨpëɨ̃ʃɨ̃pə, hɨ̃sɨpcfhɨ̃kahɨ̃xɨpëhɨ̃xɨppakahõkakpakainal. nounnosenariz (ver tambem [hɨ̃xɨp])wa ɨ̃xɨpe reoYour nose is big.piri hɨ̃xɨp xɨwëthe nose is swollen2.1Body

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