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-o-osfxanaphoric suffixanafórico, sufixo reflexivoUnspec.hɨ̃xomohĩxopoo3po2txiamotxiram
oemaũẽmãnFerruginous Pygmy- OwlPigmeu-pigmeu ferruginous
ohohquestphrase final question marker GGinterrogação, ocorre no final da frase.
ohiohicfohiiivhungry, to be emptyfaminto, vaziotxa ohi, wa ohi? pa ohi hetɨa.I'm hungry, are you hungry? he's hungry too.opppɨte2
ohiiohi-i, ohihcfohideadj.Vgo hungry, to go hungrypassar fome
ohikaxiov ref.starving self, to be starvingesfomear-se, sofrer de fometxa ohi-kaxɨ-o-ɨI'm hungry even
ohikaxioweiohi-kaʃio-weinpstarving, starverficar esfomeado
ohotedeadj.Vactive, moving, workerativo, em movimento, trabalhador6.1.1Worker
-oisp. var.-oɨvsfxreflexive verb progressive aspectaspecto progressivo verbo reflexivo
oiɨpnhoney GGmel de abelha arapuá
oikëoikə (word stress on the [i])nmanioc toasted flourfarinha de mandioca
oinanbee sp.abelha arapuáMeliponidae
-oɨsp. var. of-oiMoved from Lexeme Form field
okaokavtkill (anaconda) (Check)matar
okaraivturn backvoltar atrásokara teimën (?)it returns
okarisamonppalmito fruitfruto palmitoArecaceae1.5.5Parts of a plant
okarisiknnaja palm fruitinajáArekaceae1.5.5Parts of a plant
okarisishẽnanfish sp.espécie de peixe1.6.1.5Fish
okaritihhenaknpubin-tree-leaves sp.ubim, folhas esp. para cobrir o telhado.1.5.1Tree
okasakookasako, akasakonduck sp., diving duckmergulhão
okasihenakokasihenaknnaja palm leavesinajá folhas
okasisokasisnpalm sp.inajá
okasisenakokasisenakninaja palm leavesinajá ramo-folhas
okeoketame, not dangerous, neutralinócuo, (Yanomam) não perigoso

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