Browse Ninam


eof (Genitive)de (Genitive)
eheheameheheamnstrong, strengthforte, forçaeheheam totihigood strength
ehekaehekanhead waters of riverscabeceira do rio
ekekeraɨekekera-ɨ, ekekra-ɨ (casual sp.)vttear, to tear s.t., rending, tearing offrasgar algo, rasgandoponto ekekera-yomashe tore her clothes
ekekerareekekerare, ekekrareVi/Vttearing up, (fig.) open-uprasgaram-se, abrir-se (fig.)
ekekeraweiekekera-weiinf. nom.tear, to tear, rend, to tear clothrasgar, lacerar pano
ekekeroweiekekero-weiv ref.tear self, tearing self uprasgar-se, rasgando-se
enahaadv,Vbe as, to be as, to be likeser como, ser assim
ereiereipostlong time (adverb)muito tempo
-ereisfxremote pastpassado remoto
erikoerikónaErico river name, west tributary of the Uraricaa Riverrio Ericó, afluente do rio Uraricaá
erimasikëerimasik, rimasikənspindle (wood used as spindle)pauzinho usado para fiar algodão
erɨmaerɨmanStriated Heron, sp.Socozinho, soko mirim, esp.
esikaareesika?are, eska?areadvrough surfacesuperficie áspera
esikomoesi-komo, hesi-komonspindle round basebase redonda do fuso
esitɨrɨ thaweiesi-turu thawei, es-turu thawei (casual speech)inf. nom.writing on paper, paper writing, scratch on paperescrito no papel, escrevendo no papel, riscar no papel
eskoraes-kora, esi-kora.nschool (borrowing from Portuguese)escola (emprestimo)
eskoramoweieskoramo-wei.npstudy, to study, acting as in schoolestudar, agir comoo na escola
estɨtamoweiestɨta-mo-wei, esitɨta-mo-weiinf., acting as studying in schoolestudar, estudando (prestimo portugues [estudar])
etheafr. var. ofhethea
etoreherehametore-here-hamlocfurther on, uphillmais adiante, para cima
exiamoweieʃia-mo-weiAna. Inf. Nom.sneeze, expelespirrar

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