ĩyëĩɲə̃nblood (sing.)sangrentotxa ɨ̃thak ĩyëmy hand is bloody
ĩyëhaivbleed, to bleedsangrartxa ɨtha ĩyëhaɨMy (I) hand is bleeds
ĩyëpĩɲə̃pə, ĩɲə̃pinal. nounblood (plu., generic form)sangue, sangrandopiri ĩyëp wakɨThe blood is red
ĩyëpëhikĩɲə̃pəhik nblood-sticks, to weave the loinclothsangue-pauzinho para tecer a tangathɨwa kɨrayonih yɨ̃pɨhik thaweiWhen the menstruating girl will be a woman and should make small bow with chopsticks, used to weave her Pesmak (women's thong).
ĩyëpëmoĩɲũpə̃mõmenstruate (first time)menstruar pela primeira vez.