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-ɨ 1 ɨ, ɨp, ɨpə, ɨk n sfx liquid, noun classifier líquido, classificador de substantivos
-ɨ 2 ɨ i v sfx progressive aspect aspecto progressivo Unspec. amoamoɨ amoa watxamoɨ watxamo 1
ɨa rotten (wood) podre (madeira)
ɨami ɨami alone, empty handed só (sem nada)
ɨarihik uari-hik, oarinik, wãrihik n anguil fish check enguia peixe Synbranchidae Fish
ɨema n owl sp. GG coruja esp.
ɨha 1 ɨha loc there (not near you) lá
ɨha 2 adv there, over there lá, acolá
ɨha ahatreha ɨha ahatreha np that one nearby aquele lá perto
ɨhha ɨh-ha loc there to, there at pra lá
ɨhɨ ɨhɨ deictic pro that, that one (mentioned) aquele
ɨhɨ are? ɨhɨ are (check) V.ph. feeling better? melhorou? pa ɨhɨ-are? Do you feel better?
ɨhɨ pɨk ɨhɨ pɨk deictic pro those people aquelas pessoas
ɨhɨ thë ɨhɨ thə V.ph. that thing aquela coisa
ɨhɨhɨ ɨhɨh, ɨhɨhɨ deadj.V feeling better melhorar wa ɨhɨhɨ rayo ha? Did you get better? He's doing well, improving pa ɨhɨa-re, pa ɨhɨhɨa-re
ɨhɨt 1 ɨhɨt, ɨhɨtə n fish sp. peixe sp. Pimelodidae Fish
ɨhɨt 2 ɨhɨ-thə, ɨhɨt deictic pro that thing aquela coisa
ɨhɨttxai ɨhɨ-t tʃai cf peheti interj that's true, real aquilo é verdade
ɨhɨttxai kiithë ɨhɨt-tʃai kiithə np Is it true? I don't know. Could it be real? será verdade? não sei
ɨɨha loc that there (emphatic) aquilo lá
ɨɨhɨ ɨ-ɨhɨ deictic pro that one (emphatic) aquele mesmo
ɨka ɨka, hɨka sp. var. hɨka 2 1 vt pull up, remove, dig up, take out, (root, occurs with suffixes) arrancar, extrair 2 n remove, move out, taking remoção, mudança,(radical)
ɨkaɨ 1 ɨka-ɨ c-pr. digging up. pulling out extraindo
ɨkaɨ 2 ɨka-ɨ ~ hɨka-ɨ vt removing, take away, withdrawing retirando, tomar, remover ai pɨk tɨwëp ɨkap xiha, yai-pata kɨma. you will not take the wife (wife) of others, said the great chief.
ɨkaɨ 3 ɨka-ɨ, hɨka-ɨ vt subtracting, taking away, diminishing subtraindo, tirando, diminuindo thëk ɨkaɨ taking things