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ɨkap xihaɨka-p ʃiha, hɨka-p-ʃia1V.ph.do not take out (s.t.)não tira, não toma2neg.imp
ɨkawei1ɨkawei, hɨkaweiinf. nom.pull out, (nail), to pull up (weeds), to removearrancar, sacar, tirar
ɨkawei2ɨkawei, hɨkaweinsubtractionsubtração
ɨkɨkaɨkɨkavtpeel, to peeldescascar
ɨkɨkaɨ1ɨkɨka-ɨvtpull up, taking out, gettingtirar, retomar
ɨkɨkaɨ2ɨkɨ-ka-ɨVi/Vtsucking, kissingchupando, beijandopa-t ɨkɨkaɨhe's sucking it
ɨkɨkawei1ɨkɨ-ka-weiinf. nom. chupar, chupando, beijando
ɨkɨkawei2ɨkɨ-ka-weiinf. nom.inhale, to inhaleinalar
ɨmɨvtcatch, grabpegar, agarrar
ɨmɨoweiɨmɨoweiAna. Inf. Nom.contaminate oneself, to infect oneselfcontaminar-se, infectar-se
ɨmɨrokëɨmɨrokəinal. nounelbowcotovelo2.1Body
ɨnaɨ-nadeictic prothat, that one (erg.)aquele, aquela, aquilo
ɨnaha1ɨ-na-haadvlike that, as thatcomo aqueleɨnaha wa tha-reido just like that
ɨnaha2V.ph.it is like thaté assim
ɨnaha kɨathëaɨna-ha kɨ-athə-aV.ph.from that time onwarda partir de então
ɨnaha thẽkɨa txaroɨnaha thə-kɨa tʃaroV.ph.that does mean that..quer dizer que..ɨnaha thë-kɨa txaro, txamak iawei ham hɨ-ɨ pemio tha?You mean we're not going to eat anymore?
ɨnoɨnoworkmanship, deed, things done or made by a personobra, manufatura, os feitos de cada pessoa8.3Quality
ɨno wãha hiraɨɨno wãhã hiraɨ, ɨno wãh hiraɨVi/Vtlay the blame onpôr a culpaOtekən yãno wakë horama kema makii, waro pɨk ɨno wãha hira-rema-he.even though Otek set the house on fire, she laid the blame on the men.
ɨoranhead of rivercabeceira do rio
ɨpɨrɨɨpɨrɨ, see həpərɨ (AL)old, decayvelho
ɨraa1ɨraaɨrairaivstand uplevantar-seɨra mãhëk ërëkeihe got up on tiptoe
ɨraa2be standingestar em pé
ɨraa3keep standingmanter-se em
ɨrakëɨrakə, ɨrakntaro (potato)taioba
ɨramaɨramabuild up, get uperguer, levantar