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ɨteti2ɨtetiutiti1weak, feeblefraco, mole, débilsynnosi2txota2weak, feeblefraco, mole
ɨthaɨ̃thãinal. nounhandmãoɨthahek1Unspec.ɨthahek, ɨthahekəinal. nounback of hand
ɨthaheɨ̃thãhẽinal. nounfingerdedoɨthahe; ɨthahekfinger; fingers2.1Body
ɨthahek1ɨthahek, ɨthahekəUnspec. ofɨtha
ɨthahek2ɨ̃thãhẽkə, ɨ̃thãhẽkinal. nounfingersdedos2.1Body
ɨthakɨ̃thãkinal. nounhands with fingersmãos com dedos
ɨthakëɨ̃thãkə, ɨ̃thəkUnspec. of-k
ɨthakwãhaweinpcracking of the fingersestalar com os dedos
ɨthapataɨ̃thapatainal. nounthumb, big fingerdedo grande polegar
ɨthãɨ̃thã, ɨ̃tã (casual Speech)inal. nounhandmão
ɨtitiɨtiti, ɨteticfnosi2weakmole
ɨtitiaɨtitia, ɨtiti-jaVi/Vtsoftenamolecer
ɨtɨhaɨɨtɨha-ɨvtcountingcontandoyam pɨkëh ɨtɨhaɨ; txa thëh ɨtɨhaɨwe stand as long as people; I'm counting people
ɨtɨhaweiɨtɨha-weiinf. nom.count, to count sb./s.t., keep count of s.t./ or ourselvescontar, conta, registraryehek thëk ɨtɨhaɨWe (two) count things.yamakëha ɨtɨha-mo-ɨWe tell ourselves.txam pɨkɨha ɨtɨhaɨWe are counting people (the people).
ɨtɨhɨaɨtɨhɨavtcompose, to consist of, containcompor, comportar
ɨtɨpvdraw, sketch
ɨtɨpë1ɨtɨpə, ɨtɨpɨtɨpnpictures, painting, statuepintura, fotografia
ɨtɨpë2ɨtɨpənmirror imageimagem no espelho
ɨtɨpë3ɨtɨpə, ɨtɨpnshadow, statue, picturesombra, foto, estatua
ɨtɨpë4ɨtɨp, ɨtɨpə, norapɨtɨp, ɨtɨpənessential part of a person, vital image of a person, the soul of a person, alter egoimagem essencial das pessoas, como a alma, a parte do corpo fundamental para a vida, alter ego
ɨtɨpë taamaweiɨtɨpə taama-weiV.ph.identify, to prove identityidentificar, provar a identidade
ɨtɨpsikɨtɨp siknpicture bookfoto álbum
ɨtɨpthaɨtɨp thaVi/Vtdesign, to draw, sketch, appeardesenhar, appreçertxaro-pɨk ɨtɨp-tha-ɨHe's drawing animals
ɨwaɨwangrapeuva (fruta)